Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kettle BELLES for Booties!!

Move over Brazilian butt lift .. Kettlebells are here! With the popularity of the Kettlebell and the constant demand for a tighter, fuller looking "tush". We have put together a 6 week specialty fitness program to help get you in shape and to survive the holidays.

In this 6 week program you will have one specially designed group workout each week that will revolve around using the kettle bell. Each week will have a different focus and teach a new movement pattern with the kettle bell. Participants will have access to the weekly group workout and then access to the gym to come and do the weeks workout a couple more times each week.

It has been said that the average American gains 10 pounds during the holiday season, whether this is true or not, we all can agree that we all put on some extra unwanted pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. Well, this is your chance to fight those pounds and ring in the new year looking fantastic.

Program Details:

  • $49 for nonmembers, $39 for members
  • Weekly "KettleBELLES for Booties" group workout - day/time TBA
  • Gym Access
  • "KetteBELLES for Booties" fitness program.
  • Nutritional guidance.
Limited spots available call today to register! 724-934-2000

We Change Lives!

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