Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! & Guest Article

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you all have a great day.

This week we have a guest article by the team at Kettlebell Athletics, LLC.

Benefits of Kettlebell Training

I know a lot of hype has been written about kettle bells but it's all for good reason. Kettlebells boast some distinct advantages over their counterparts in the fitness professional's toolbox. Below are several reasons why kettle bells outshine their competition.

Kettlebell Training produces strength at extreme ranges of motion. This longer range of motion recruits  a stretch reflex, which increases your ability to produce force, change direction and be more agile. This stretch reflex is a naturally occurring function and kettle bells do an outstanding job exploiting it to better your performance.

This extreme range strength is what saves your muscles from being ripped apart...LOL aiding in injury prevention!

Kettlebell Training exposes your weaknesses and corrects imbalances. Since kettlebell training is usually performed one limb at a time, it does a great job of exposing weaknesses and imbalances throughout your entire body. This weakness may come in endurance or one shoulder being tighter than the other. Regardless, within moments of kettle bell training, these deficiencies will be exposed allowing you to address them.

Kettlebell Training creates strong yet flexible joint structures. Kettlebell training increases the demand for dynamic joint stabilization, which reduces the potential for injury and allows for more efficient production. "You can't fire a cannon from a canoe!" The kettlebell's offset center of gravity plays havoc on control and forces your entire body to participate in the movement, recruiting more muscles and joints, providing a much more realistic approach to conditioning. 

Kettlebells exploit endless exercise variations with just one tool. Simply by changing your grip or repositioning the kettlebell you can change the entire feel and complexity of a movement. This feature alone makes kettlebell training so versatile that you can do it ANYWHERE! You can progress from easier drills to very advanced versions using the same size kettlebell, reducing the need for a lot of equipment or multiple bells.

Kettlebells improve your cardio-respiratory fitness. Since many kettlebell drills take place with your arms in an overhead position the muscles responsible for assisting the breathing process are engaged in muscular activity, not allowing them to assist in the respiratory process. This forces the muscles most responsible for breathing to play an even larger role in cardio-vascular fitness.

Kettlebell Training allows you to reduce overall training time. So you can devote your attention to other issues such as strategy, skill, rest and recovery.

Kettlebell Training bridges the gap between strength training and cardio; life doesn't respect the difference.

Kettlebell Training allows you to never miss a workout! Train anywhere, the local park, the beach, outside or inside! NO EXCUSES!

DON"T USE MACHINES, BECOME ONE! DF will be running a 6-week Kettlebell workshop starting December 2nd at 6 p.m. call 724-934-2000 for more details or to register.
We Change Lives!

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