As you all know we have a new warm up we kicked off this week, many of you get why we are doing the warm up this way and others don't and a lot of you have questions. 28,000 people die a year from falling, FALLING. Also, if two 50 year old's are compared and one is told they have cancer and the other one falls the person with cancer has a better chance of surviving than the one that falls. Think about that for a second, are you 50? over 50? close to 50? Have you slipped on the ice yet this year? Have you tripped over your own two feet or slipped just slightly down the stairs? By teaching you to get up and down off the floor only using one hand or one hand across your body it will teach your body to fall more gracefully. Your body will remember okay hey i have done this before its called muscle memory. Now just like your brain and anything else these muscles must be taught and reminded. You should be doing this every single day, to keep it fresh but knowing time and other things get in the way you should do this every week at least once. Add it to your Sunday morning or Saturday morning routine wake up and that is the first thing you do before your coffee or breakfast. Now we are not saying that you will never fall or if you do fall you will never get hurt BUT what we are saying is that we are helping you to greatly cut down the risk of death or injury. In case you do fall your body will be loose and more relaxed because you practiced this. Now falling doesn't seem like that big of a risk...until it happens..and until you can't get back up..or even worse, you break your hip. We are not trying to make you look stupid and we would not make you do anything in your workout or warm up that would not be effective and applied into your every day life. That is what Functional Training is. You are literally training for life, our life styles have turned us into sedentary, lazy, poor eaters. We have more aches and pains than ever before and its time to take back your life. Get away from the computer, desk and chair, pull away from the drive through and get off the couch.
With that being said this warm up will only sick around for 3-4 weeks and we will move on to something else but we do strongly encourage you to do this once a week at the end of 4 weeks you will see how you can move up and down with more ease and having to think about it less.
We ask all members please schedule for your sessions, we need to know who is coming and when so we have a coach or more coaches available so everyone can get the attention they need. If no one is scheduled for a specific time we may have meetings planned or errands that need ran so you are not guaranteed a session at that time.
Also showing up 15-20 minutes late your coach will take you through as much as they can but they have sessions before and after that time slot and will need to give their attention to the next session of people who were on time we will answer questions if we can but you may have to finish on your own.
Showing up 15-20 minutes early for your scheduled time, we don't mind if you took more time to get here because you weren't sure of traffic or the roads or you just didn't want to drive all the way home for 10 minutes we understand. However please keep in mind your coach is most likely finishing up with other clients, office work or that may be their time in between classes to sneak a bite to eat (yes we eat too). We will start with you promptly at your scheduled time, if you wanna come and foam roll and do some extra stretches or hop on the bike or rower that is great but please don't start your warm up until it is your session time. It takes away time from other clients who are still with in their session time and makes them feel pressured and rushed.
Are you here? When you are at the gym are you really at the gym? Where is your mind, because if it is on anything other than your workout your not really putting into it everything you can are you? You showed up to the gym in the first place THAT IS GREAT! THANK YOU! we appreciate everyone showing up and being here! So if you showed up and you are here why not give it everything you got? Your very best effort and actually focus on what you are doing what muscle are you using to perform each exercise? Do you have correct form, if you are thinking about a million other things or are socializing more during your work out than sweating chances are you could push yourself a little harder. Our goal; now so more than ever is to get you where you want to be, be the very best that you can be and just focus! Why work out if you are not going to reap all the benefits from it that you can. Because lets face it working out sucks, it is hard work some days you just don't have it and we get that. Every other day that you do have it though needs to be your best work out yet.
Our challenge to you starting today: Every move that you do, every exercise stop and think to yourself where am i supposed to feel this. What muscle am i working on and do i feel it there. If you don't know, or you aren't sure, or you know what muscle you are supposed to be working but you dont feel it ASK. Drive your coach nuts, learn what moves train what muscles and be aware of what your body is supposed to be doing and feeling. That will put you in the present and will earn you greater results.
**Check out our new website! And if you haven't downloaded it yet get our App Defined Fitness. What are you waiting for?!
We Change Lives!
As a post-50 yr old and one recovering from a leg injury, I applaud your forward-thinking. Age happens!