Thursday, January 22, 2015

Exciting New Changes Coming To DF In February

Change #1
As of February 2nd all Small Group Personal Training Sessions will require 24 hours notice when scheduling. This is so we can plan on how many coaches to have available. This will become especially important when we move into our new location and have more coaches. If no one is scheduled for a time slot we may send a coach home. We understand life happens and things come up which may mean you need to cancel your session. You will still be able to do that. 

If you find that you are able to make a session, but it is not 24 hours in advance all you have to do is call and we will get you in, if a space is available. This means that if you show up without scheduling a session we may not be able to take you. However, this does not mean you have to leave or cannot workout. We will give you your own program to do on your own. Thank you for your corporation. 

Change #2 Also as of February 2nd we will be changing to a new warm-up format. And warm-up everyone up together at the start time of the session. We still recommend that you come in about 5 minutes early to foam roll. If you still would like to get here earlier that is fine jut hop on a bike, rower, or stretch until your sessions start time.

"If I have to get up and down off this floor one more time...."
Over the past four weeks you should have all seen a difference in your ability to get up and down off the floor. We have actually heard stories of how clients have fallen recently and were able to fall gracefully and not get hurt. This stuff works! 

While you aren't going to fall with your hand glued to your knee. There is a chance your cellphone will be in your hand. If you are carrying something and you fall you will not have both hands available to catch yourself.  

After four weeks of repetitively working on a exercise you should see a difference in the way you move. There are deeper issues if you cannot get up and down off of the floor.  If you cannot do this it means you are already in a weakened physical state and you will not see the best results from your work out until your body is more conditioned. Your body will focus on survival and protection before it even thinks about doing anything else like building muscle or burning fat. Your muscles are the powerhouse of the metabolism and if they are functioning properly the breaks are on your metabolism. 

If you are only in your 50's and are having a hard time getting up and down, where do you think you going to be in 20 years? Do not be the lady in the "help I've fallen and can't get up" commercial.  We all kind of snicker at that commercial but for some that is a harsh reality. Let's change that reality by aging gracefully and living at a younger age physically than we are chronologically and not having to rely on a button to push for help when we fall?

Change #3 "RESOLUTION SOLUTION" Challenge
Many of you have competed in our "New Year, New You" Challenge in previous years. Well this year your team at DF went back to the drawing boards to rebrand and change up the challenge. We thought "New Year, New You" was getting stale. And like stale bread we threw it out for something new and fresh!

So for those of you interested in the "Resolution Solution" here is how it works:

  • Challengers will be awarded 50 points if each team member completes the weeks challenge by 11 a.m. on Saturday. You have a full week to complete the challenge as it will be posted in DF at 5:30 a.m. Monday morning and on Facebook at the same time.
  • Each team will be awarded 100 points for each pound lost.
  • Each team will be awarded 100 points for each inch lost.
  • You will compete in teams of two.
  • At the end of the 8-week challenge the team with the most points wins $1,000!!!
    • In the case of a tie we will have a playoff week between the tied teams.
  • Sign-up at the front desk or call 724-934-2000 for more details.
We Change Lives!

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