Thursday, October 3, 2013

Halloween Hustle Time!!

Looking to scare away the 'on creep' of laziness this Halloween? Want to keep the summer enthusiasm for exercise at a high? Then let's play a game, and it ain't trick or treat!

Starts: October 1st, Finishes: October 30th, Duration: 30 days, Party: Halloween Party (TBA)

How to Get Involved: Buy a MYZONE physical activity belt for $89 at the front desk, and receive free entry to the challenge. Then, just start exercising and you will earn your MEPS. We donate $10 of every purchase to Glimmer of Hope.

Existing MYZONE Users: $10 will be donated to Glimmer of Hope for each member who has already purchased a belt and opts into the challenge.

The Challenge: Earn 3000 MEPS and receive a custom designed, limited edition, Defined Fitness T-Shirt

Bonus Prizes: If you earn 3000 MEPS you will gain 1 entry into the prize drawing. You will then earn an additional entry for every extra 300 MEPS over 3000.

Who Should Participate: Those wanting to get back 'in the swing of things' post summer. Members who are doing the "Rock Your Jeans" Challenge. Members who just want something to focus on.

Get your belt, earn the points, meet the challenge, scare away the laziness. See the Front Desk for more details or to get your belt.

We Change Lives!

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