Friday, December 27, 2013

Goodbye 2013...Hello 2014

Another year has past. This is a time to reflect on your accomplished in the past year. How was 2013 for you? Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself? Are you in better shape today than you were last year at this time? If yes, congratulations and go celebrate will a pint of your favorite beer or glass of wine. If not, no worries 2014 is a new year and it can be your year!

Here's your homework for the next couple days (whether you achieved your goals in 2013 or not). Take some time and reflect on your life of the past year and think about what you would like to achieve in 2014. Are you at your goal weight? Are you as strong as you'd like to be? Could you eat healthier this year? Get specific with these and then develop a plan to get you there, what small steps will you start with that will build up to that overall goal?

Hear's to a great 2014!!
We Change Lives!

Changes for 2014

  1. Frequent Sweaters - great job this year on getting your 10+ visits each month. For 2014 we are upping the ante. Instead of a prizes each month we are going to have increasing prizes for consecutive months. E.g. 3 consecutive months = prize x, 6 consecutive months = x, 9 consecutive months = x, 12 consecutive months = x. Miss a month and you have to start back at the beginning.
  2. Additional Small Group Personal Training time - we are adding a Small Group time at 11 a.m. on Fridays per our members request, starting in January.
  3. To make certain that there are enough coaches here for Small Group, we are making a change to scheduling. All Small Group sessions will need to be schedule 24 hours in advance.
  4. Saturday Hours due to the low usage rate between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturdays. We will be closing on Saturdays at 11 a.m. again.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

2014 "New Year, New You" Challenge Is Coming Soon!!

It's almost that time of year again! DF's 4th Annual "New Year, New You" Challenge is coming soon. And this year we will be giving away the largest cash prize yet....$3,000.

That's right the winning team will receive $3,000!!

More details and dates to come soon.
We Change Lives!

Monday, December 16, 2013

DF Christmas Blog

Hey Guys couple things this week 
First we have to ask you all again, you MUST change your shoes when you come to work out with all the salt and wetness from the snow it is getting the floor soaked, no one wants to work out in your puddle of snow especially when they took the 2 extra minutes to change their shoes and you didn't so please be courteous to yourself and to others to change into dry shoes before you step on to the gym floor! 

We want to thank everyone who came to the Christmas Party on Saturday. We had about 50 members and it was a blast! And to those of you who couldn't make it we will see you next year ;) 
Also, we want to thank every single member we appreciate you and your business and we are so happy and thankful to have each and everyone of you apart of the DF Family.

please take a minute to look at the new hours for Christmas/ New Years

DF Holiday Hours

* Tuesday December 24th 5:30am until12:00pm

*Wednesday December 25th CLOSED
Merry Christmas, Enjoy your family

*Thursday December 26th CLOSED

*Friday December 27th Nomal Hours

*Saturday December 28th Normal Hours

*Monday December 30th Normal Hours

*Tuesday December 31st 8am until 12:00 Pm

*Wednesday January 1st CLOSED

DF wishes everyone safe and happy holidays

Last, everyone who took a ornament off of the tree or who wasn't able to get one before they were gone but still wants to participate we are still accepting money or gift cards for the family!! Any little bit helps!! All Gifts and money donations/gift cards need to be collected at the front desk by the end of day (6pm) on Friday December 20th Again we want to thank each and everyone of you for your generosity this year in making this a very special Christmas for these two young boys and giving this mother some piece of mind in a very tough time. You guys rock

Three Different Levels to choose from 
Get your massages before their gone

30 Day Trial: includes 4 Small Group Personal Training, Unlimited Team , Unlimited use of the gym. T-shirt, PFC Bio-Whey Protein, FREE SHAKES, and a water bottle. If all bought separately it would value $155 Your price is

Gift Bag 2
30 Day Trial: includes 4 Small Group Personal Training, Unlimited Team , Unlimited use of the club. T-shirt, PFC Bio-Whey Protein, FREE SHAKES, and a water bottle. AND a massage, your choice of Swedish or Deep Tissue If all bought separately it would value $230 Your price is
Gift Bag 3
Massage: your choice of Swedish or Deep Tissue, PFC Bio-Whey Protein, and Nordic Naturals Fish Oil Ultimate Omega- D3. If all bought separately its value would be $156 Your price is


Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 Day Personal Training Experience for $89. It includes 4 Small Group Personal Training Session, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, a Fitness Program Designed for your goals and needs, and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000

Friday, December 13, 2013

DF Gift Bags and Holiday Hours

Need a gift for someone special? A gift from Defined Fitness you be great. We currently are offering 3 Gift Bag Options.

Gift Bag #1:

  • 30-Day Personal Training Experience (includes: 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Team Training, a personalized fitness program, and unlimited use of the gym)
  • DF T-Shirt
  • PFC Bio-Whey Protein Powder
  • 2 FREE Shakes
  • DF Water Bottle
                    FOR ONLY $89 - normally valued at $155

Gift Bag #2:

  • 30-Day Personal Training Experience (includes: 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Team Training, a personalized fitness program, and unlimited use of the gym)
  • DF T-Shirt
  • PFC Bio-Whey Protein Powder
  • 2 FREE Shakes
  • DF Water Bottle
  • And...your choice of a Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage from Tranquillite Massage Therapy
                    FOR ONLY $139 - normally valued at $230

Gift Bag #3:
  • Your choice of a Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage from Tranquillite Massage Therapy
  • PFC Bio-Whey Protein Powder
  • Nordic Natural Fish Oil Ultimate Omega-D3.
                     FOR ONLY $99 - normally valued at $156                 
DF Holiday Hours
    Wednesday, December 25th CLOSED - Merry Christmas, Enjoy Your Family
    Thursday, December 26th CLOSED
    Friday, December 27th NORMAL HOURS
    Saturday, December 28th NORMAL HOURS
    Monday, December 30th NORMAL HOURS
    Tuesday, December 31st 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    Wednesday, January 1st CLOSED - Happy New Year!
We Change Lives!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

4 Ways To Gain Fat ...and some other good stuff

Are you looking to lose weight? Are you currently doing any of the following? If so, continue these behaviors and they will ensure that you won’t lose a pound.

1. Only Perform Steady-State Cardio. In order to gain as much fat as possible you must slow down your metabolism. So continue with your daily jog or walk as your primary choice of exercise. Walking and jogging will allow your body to adapt very quickly, thus reducing your metabolism to snail mode and allowing your body to burn less and less calories each day. Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley found that men and women who logged the same weekly mileage year after year – regardless of the amount – gained weight. So if you’re looking to put on some pounds be sure to continue with your daily morning jog.

2. Never Lift Heavy Weights. Lifting heavy weights will build muscle tissue, which will increase your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine. So by all means stay away from those big weights and stick with the pretty pink 5-pound dumbbells.

3. Do Not Keep A Nutrition Journal. The simple act of writing down what you eat each day will help you lose weight. Journaling will make you more conscious of what you are eating and help to make you aware of your shortcomings. Also, if you journal your fitness coach will then be able to give you advice and help design a nutrition program for you. So rip up that nutrition journal now and keep gaining fat. Who says you need to hold yourself accountable!

4. Do Not Eat Protein With Each Meal. Protein is the building block of metabolism revving muscle and should be avoiding at all costs if you are trying to gain fat. On the other hand feel free to eat carbohydrates at will. Carbs will keep those fat promoting hormones flowing and make sure you at least add an inch or two to your waistline.

Obviously this article is a little sarcastic, but sometimes looking at things from a different perspective helps. If you are looking to lose body fat and trim up and you are currently doing any of the above habits STOP NOW and get on the road to fat loss success.

We Change Lives!

 It's Snowing, It's Snowing!! All this snow means wet, salty shoes. Please change your shoes at the front before starting your workout to help keep the facility clean.

We hope to see everyone tomorrow night between 6-8 p.m. for our DF Christmas Party!

Monday, December 9, 2013

DF Christmas Tree

Hey guys we have had alot of questions about the ornaments on the Christmas tree in the lobby. Let me tell you what its about
Every year DF teams with Grieb Chiropractic (next door) to help a family in need at Christmas. This year the ornaments come to us from a struggling Widow with two young boys, her husband passed of cancer about a year and a half ago and she is having trouble to make ends meet. If you would like to help out her Holiday Season please take a ornament on off of the tree, it will tell you on the back what she or the boys asked for. Then after you get the gift just wrap it up and tape the ornament to the outside of the gift so we know when they are all returned! You can stick any wrapped presents under the tree or give any gift cards to the front desk. Any little bit will help and be appreciated by this family so even if you are not able to get a ornament because they are going quick! (thank you guys so much!) Which is a good problem to have, but we are sure any gift card for groceries, gas, or food would help her tremendously! A little goes a long way and we thank you all for your generosity this year in advance! 

Frequent Sweaters of November!!
Lisa Paulson
Rosemary Robinson
Adrienne Rivley
Beckie Brown
Mary Ann Rusbarsky
Emma Luitgaarden
Kim Hays
Kathy Weber Clark
Nina Faber
Allison Henne
Sheryl Simon
Ann Miner
Judy Robison
Eleanor Sargent
Ann Valcarcel
Mark Paulson
Jayme Butcher
Marian O'Neill
Leah Rusbarsky
Diane Staniland
Gretchen McNaughton
Denny Allerton
Mike Doak
Barb Sippel
Melanie West
Penny Roy
Susan Enica 
Lynn Brehm

Congrats guys make sure you are getting those visits! And make sure you guys are scanning your member cards at the front desk! Lets make December our sweatiest month yet!!

Holiday Gift bags!
We will be selling Holiday Gift bags with everything included to make sure you start your year off with success! Make 2014 your most successful year yet with a special surprise inside! $89 check with the front desk to find out everything included!! Get yours before they are gone!


Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 Day Personal Training Experience for $69. Your 30 Days includes 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, a Fitness program desgined for your personal needs and goals and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started at 724-934-2000

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holiday Weight Gain Survival Tips

The holiday season is upon us once again, or as some have come to call it “The Official Eating Season”, this time of year is full of enjoyment, family get togethers, Christmas parties, and holiday shopping. All of which revolve around eating causing the average American to gain about 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years.

However, you don’t have to be average!

The following tips will help keep your waistline slim and trim.

1. Schedule Time To Workout. Time is an issue more than ever during the holidays so you need to make sure to it put into to your schedule. Even if you have to cut your workout days back, two times a week is still enough to prevent adding extra pounds.

2. Go Easy On The Booze. With 2 or 3 Christmas parties a week it is very easy to pack on a few additional pounds in a month. In order to prevent this, drink one glass of water for each alcoholic drink you have. Also, order your drinks on the rocks or with diet soda, by not having the extra sugar you will cut your calories in half. 

3. Load up on veggies. By picking from the veggie tray rather than the tray of chicken wings and other fried foods you will save yourself hundreds in calories of fat and grease. Also, make sure you’re not hanging out around the food table this will only cause you to eat more. It’s also a good idea to eat dinner at home before heading out this too will keep you for eating as much at the party.

4. Eat Smart. There’s nothing like Thanksgiving dinner, except maybe Christmas dinner. While we all love turkey, gravy, pumpkin pie, and mom’s sweet potato pie, we don’t need to eat it like we are never going to see food again. Having a little of everything is ok, but don’t stuff yourself so full that you end up feeling like one of the balloons in a Macy’s parade.

5. Get Your Sleep. It very easy this time of year to fall behind on your shut eye. Recent research has shown that people who sleep less weigh more due to a hormonal imbalance that causes your appetite to increase and crave starchy foods that will increase your waistline.

We Change Lives!

DF Christmas Party - we hope to see all our members on Friday, December 13th at our Christmas Party. We are asking that everyone who is interested in coming let us know and bring a side dish/appetizer, we will provide the beer and wine. See you there!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Hey guys don't forget KettleBELLES for BOOTIES starts tonight at 6pm sharp! Don't worry if you can't make it we will get the materials available to you!

DF Christmas PARTY will be FRIDAY THE 13th! From 6 to 8 pm. The party will take place at DF please let the front desk know if you are attending and if you are bringing anyone! Everyone is asked to bring your favorite dish (preferably somewhat healthy) But hey we know its a party. Also, don't forget to bring a chair if you want somewhere to sit!

DF Holiday Hours

* Friday November 29th 8am until 12:00 pm
*Saturday November 30th 8am until 11am
* Tuesday December 24th 5:30am until12:00pm
*Wednesday December 25th CLOSED
Merry Christmas, Enjoy your family
*Thursday December 26th 8:00am until 8:00pm
*Friday December 27th Nomal Hours
*Saturday December 28th Normal Hours
*Monday December 30th Normal Hours
*Tuesday December 31st 8am until 12:00 Pm

DF wishes everyone safe and happy hollidays


Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 Personal Training Experience for $69. Your 30 days includes 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, a Fitness Program Designed for your goals and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! What do you have to lose? Call today to get started 724-934-2000

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! & Guest Article

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you all have a great day.

This week we have a guest article by the team at Kettlebell Athletics, LLC.

Benefits of Kettlebell Training

I know a lot of hype has been written about kettle bells but it's all for good reason. Kettlebells boast some distinct advantages over their counterparts in the fitness professional's toolbox. Below are several reasons why kettle bells outshine their competition.

Kettlebell Training produces strength at extreme ranges of motion. This longer range of motion recruits  a stretch reflex, which increases your ability to produce force, change direction and be more agile. This stretch reflex is a naturally occurring function and kettle bells do an outstanding job exploiting it to better your performance.

This extreme range strength is what saves your muscles from being ripped apart...LOL aiding in injury prevention!

Kettlebell Training exposes your weaknesses and corrects imbalances. Since kettlebell training is usually performed one limb at a time, it does a great job of exposing weaknesses and imbalances throughout your entire body. This weakness may come in endurance or one shoulder being tighter than the other. Regardless, within moments of kettle bell training, these deficiencies will be exposed allowing you to address them.

Kettlebell Training creates strong yet flexible joint structures. Kettlebell training increases the demand for dynamic joint stabilization, which reduces the potential for injury and allows for more efficient production. "You can't fire a cannon from a canoe!" The kettlebell's offset center of gravity plays havoc on control and forces your entire body to participate in the movement, recruiting more muscles and joints, providing a much more realistic approach to conditioning. 

Kettlebells exploit endless exercise variations with just one tool. Simply by changing your grip or repositioning the kettlebell you can change the entire feel and complexity of a movement. This feature alone makes kettlebell training so versatile that you can do it ANYWHERE! You can progress from easier drills to very advanced versions using the same size kettlebell, reducing the need for a lot of equipment or multiple bells.

Kettlebells improve your cardio-respiratory fitness. Since many kettlebell drills take place with your arms in an overhead position the muscles responsible for assisting the breathing process are engaged in muscular activity, not allowing them to assist in the respiratory process. This forces the muscles most responsible for breathing to play an even larger role in cardio-vascular fitness.

Kettlebell Training allows you to reduce overall training time. So you can devote your attention to other issues such as strategy, skill, rest and recovery.

Kettlebell Training bridges the gap between strength training and cardio; life doesn't respect the difference.

Kettlebell Training allows you to never miss a workout! Train anywhere, the local park, the beach, outside or inside! NO EXCUSES!

DON"T USE MACHINES, BECOME ONE! DF will be running a 6-week Kettlebell workshop starting December 2nd at 6 p.m. call 724-934-2000 for more details or to register.
We Change Lives!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Don't get any nervous twitches! You don't have to wait outside in the cold at the door, you won't get trampled....maybe. No tricks or gimmicks! We have Black Friday Specials running ALL WEEK LONG starting today (Monday Nov. 25th) until FRIDAY November 29th we have big bags packed full of AWESOME stuff so if your still looking for ideas for that "tricky has everything" family member or close friend think about one of our DF gift bags that includes : a 30 Day Trial Membership, DF T-shirt and Water Bottle FREE SHAKES and a tub of our PFC Vanilla Bio-Whey. This package is a $155 dollar value if bought all separate but we are selling it all at a mere $89!! C'mon You can't beat it! 


Say there are no family or friends you like that much we are also doing a special on club bucks accounts! If you put $100 on your account we will Thank You guys with 5 free shakes! FIVE     
F-I-V-E.....we have never given out 5 free shakes for club bucks but hey we might have gone a little nuts around here the Holidays are upon us...I mean who saw that coming?  Not Tammy or Josh that's for sure ;)


As for the actual "Black Friday" make sure you join us on Friday starting at 8 am and running each hour on the hour we will be running a "Special" Black Friday work-out ;) finished with some coffee and Gingerbread Protein Bars...unless we can convince Tammy to cut them out to look like actual Gingerbread Cookie (Strong) Women and Men! So don't worry about what class or training session is going on at what time because that day you can come to any class time the "Special" work out will be the same for each hour 8am-11am :)

You have no excuse to not be there! Especially if you went out shopping for "Midnight Madness" which has now turned into such madness they moved shopping to 8pm instead of midnight lol. Come blow off rude mean shopper steam or warm up with DF 

KettleBELLES for Booties kicks off next week make sure you reserve your spot asap!


Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 day Personal Training Experience for $69. Your 30 days includes 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, a Fitness Program designed for your personal goals and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! What do you have to lose? Call today to get started 724-934-2000

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Burn 26.2 Calories Per Minute!

Did you know that the Kettlebell Snatch burns 26.2 calories per minute? That's right more than any other type of exercise. Here are a few comparisons:
             - Running = 19.5 calories per minute
             - Spinning = 15.4 calories per minute
             - Walking = 4.5 calories per minute
             - Yoga = 5.4 calories per minute
             - Watching TV = 1.3 calories per minute

Do you want to reap the calorie burring benefits of the KB Snatch?

Then, "Kettle BELLES for Booties" is the perfect program for you. Over the 6 week program we will teach you how to properly use and incorporate Kettlebells into your fitness program. And yes you will learn how to do the Kettlebell Snatch.

In this 6 week program you will have one specially designed group workout each week that will revolve around using the kettle bell. Each week will have a different focus and teach a new movement pattern with the kettle bell. Participants will have access to the weekly group workout and then access to the gym to come and do the weeks workout a couple more times each week.

Program Details:

  • $49 for nonmembers, $39 for members
  • Weekly "KettleBELLES for Booties" group workout - day/time TBA
  • Gym Access
  • "KetteBELLES for Booties" fitness program.
  • Nutritional guidance.
Limited spots available call today to register! 724-934-2000

We Change Lives!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Defined Fitness Tip of the Week

In this weeks edition of the DF Tip of the week we take a look at Rosemary doing Tire Flips during her workout! This weeks video tip of the week isn't necessarily a tip but more for inspiration! Rosemary is kicking ass just as hard on tire flips during her work out today as our 
20 and 30 year old clients. This should speak to alll of us that you are NEVER too old or too "helpless" to do anything. NO EXCUSES! You go Rosemary! We couldn't be more proud! Watch here:

DF Holiday Hours

* Friday November 29th 8am until 12:00 pm
* Tuesday December 24th 5:30am until12:00pm
*Wednesday December 25th CLOSED
Merry Christmas, Enjoy your family
*Thursday December 26th 8:00am until 8:00pm
*Friday December 27th Nomal Hours
*Saturday December 28th Normal Hours
*Monday December 30th Normal Hours
*Tuesday December 31st 8am until 12:00 Pm

DF wishes everyone safe and happy hollidays

kettle BELLS for BOOTIES
make sure you guys let us know ASAP if you want to join our 6 week challenge. only so many spots available reserve your spot today!!!

BLACK FRIDAY IS COMING UP FAST!! Stay tuned for special DF deals coming the week of Thanksgiving (NOV 25th). Instead of waiting outside in the cold this year in long pushy lines come into DF and get your Black Friday SWEAT on!! A special work out dedicate to those who would rather sweat off those Thanksgiving pound than go shopping ;) Starts at 8am hope to see you guys here! 



Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 Day Personal Training Experience. Your 30 Days included 4 Small group Personal Training sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs, and unlimited use of the facility. This 30 day trial is no risk, no obligation, what do you have to lose? Call us today to get started 724-934-2000!