Thursday, December 12, 2013

4 Ways To Gain Fat ...and some other good stuff

Are you looking to lose weight? Are you currently doing any of the following? If so, continue these behaviors and they will ensure that you won’t lose a pound.

1. Only Perform Steady-State Cardio. In order to gain as much fat as possible you must slow down your metabolism. So continue with your daily jog or walk as your primary choice of exercise. Walking and jogging will allow your body to adapt very quickly, thus reducing your metabolism to snail mode and allowing your body to burn less and less calories each day. Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley found that men and women who logged the same weekly mileage year after year – regardless of the amount – gained weight. So if you’re looking to put on some pounds be sure to continue with your daily morning jog.

2. Never Lift Heavy Weights. Lifting heavy weights will build muscle tissue, which will increase your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine. So by all means stay away from those big weights and stick with the pretty pink 5-pound dumbbells.

3. Do Not Keep A Nutrition Journal. The simple act of writing down what you eat each day will help you lose weight. Journaling will make you more conscious of what you are eating and help to make you aware of your shortcomings. Also, if you journal your fitness coach will then be able to give you advice and help design a nutrition program for you. So rip up that nutrition journal now and keep gaining fat. Who says you need to hold yourself accountable!

4. Do Not Eat Protein With Each Meal. Protein is the building block of metabolism revving muscle and should be avoiding at all costs if you are trying to gain fat. On the other hand feel free to eat carbohydrates at will. Carbs will keep those fat promoting hormones flowing and make sure you at least add an inch or two to your waistline.

Obviously this article is a little sarcastic, but sometimes looking at things from a different perspective helps. If you are looking to lose body fat and trim up and you are currently doing any of the above habits STOP NOW and get on the road to fat loss success.

We Change Lives!

 It's Snowing, It's Snowing!! All this snow means wet, salty shoes. Please change your shoes at the front before starting your workout to help keep the facility clean.

We hope to see everyone tomorrow night between 6-8 p.m. for our DF Christmas Party!

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