Friday, December 27, 2013

Goodbye 2013...Hello 2014

Another year has past. This is a time to reflect on your accomplished in the past year. How was 2013 for you? Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself? Are you in better shape today than you were last year at this time? If yes, congratulations and go celebrate will a pint of your favorite beer or glass of wine. If not, no worries 2014 is a new year and it can be your year!

Here's your homework for the next couple days (whether you achieved your goals in 2013 or not). Take some time and reflect on your life of the past year and think about what you would like to achieve in 2014. Are you at your goal weight? Are you as strong as you'd like to be? Could you eat healthier this year? Get specific with these and then develop a plan to get you there, what small steps will you start with that will build up to that overall goal?

Hear's to a great 2014!!
We Change Lives!

Changes for 2014

  1. Frequent Sweaters - great job this year on getting your 10+ visits each month. For 2014 we are upping the ante. Instead of a prizes each month we are going to have increasing prizes for consecutive months. E.g. 3 consecutive months = prize x, 6 consecutive months = x, 9 consecutive months = x, 12 consecutive months = x. Miss a month and you have to start back at the beginning.
  2. Additional Small Group Personal Training time - we are adding a Small Group time at 11 a.m. on Fridays per our members request, starting in January.
  3. To make certain that there are enough coaches here for Small Group, we are making a change to scheduling. All Small Group sessions will need to be schedule 24 hours in advance.
  4. Saturday Hours due to the low usage rate between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturdays. We will be closing on Saturdays at 11 a.m. again.

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