Thursday, March 6, 2014

What is a "Slosh Pipe?"

Since the announcement of our St. Patrick's Day "Get Sloshed with Defined Fitness" Slosh Pipe workout we've been getting asked: "What's a slosh pipe?"

A slosh pipe is a 4 inch PVC pipe that is 3/4 filled with water, the water then "sloshes" around inside requiring your core's stabilizer muscles to contract and work to keep your body upright and keep you from dropping it. In our workout you will get to experience first hand just how fun and challenging the slosh pipe can be by using it with squats, carries, and presses.

Afterwards be sure to hang around for a complimentary Guiness or two on the house!

Hope to see you all here on Friday, March 14th at 5 p.m. and let's all get "Sloshed" together!
We Change Lives!

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