Do you think you're pretty fit? Then, lets put you to the test. The team at DF has been hard at work researching and developing standards for certain functional tests of strength and fitness. Put yourself through these five challenging tests and see how well you score. We've developed three different levels of being "DF Fit" as you get stronger and continue on your fitness journey keep challenging yourself until you are able to perform Level 3 Fit on all five! Start with the goal of reaching Level 1, then Level 2, and finally Level 3. Don't worry if you currently can't achieve Level 1, that's fine these are simply benchmarks to measure your progress. No they aren't easy, if they were what would be the point. Also, these standards are based on Men and Women over 40 years old. Don't worry if you aren't able to perform some or any of the challenges these aren't designed to make anyone feel bad about themselves, but rather to provide an additional challenge and focus to your workouts other than simply just weight loss, jean size, and improved health for those who are looking for that.
So here they are!
1. Long Jump - start by standing on a line, distance jumped is measured where the closest heel lands, must stick the landing.
Level 1: 5 ft.
Level 2: 6 ft.
Level 3: 7 ft.
Level 1: 6 ft.
Level 2: 7 ft.
Level 3: 8 ft.
2. DB Squat & Press - must squat to parallel and achieve full extension on each press.
Women - must use 20 pound dumbbells
Level 1: 16 reps in 1 minute
Level 2: 18 reps in 1 minute
Level 3: 20 reps in 1 minute
Men - must use 30 pound dumbbells
Level 1: 16 reps in 1 minute
Level 2: 18 reps in 1 minute
Level 3: 20 reps in 1 minute.
3. Plank
Women & Men
Level 1: 1 minute
Level 2: 2 minutes
Level 3: 3 minutes
4. Push Ups - chest to 4 inches from floor, full extension, controlled speed, cannot stop.
Level 1: 10 reps
Level 2: 20 reps
Level 3: 30 reps
Level 1: 20 reps
Level 2: 35 reps
Level 3: 50 reps
5. Pull Ups - palms facing away grip, full extension, chin above bar, no kipping, and cannot be band assisted.
Level 1: 2 reps
Level 2: 4 reps
Level 3: 6 reps
Level 1: 4 reps
Level 2: 8 reps
Level 3: 12 reps
Achieve a certain level on each challenge all in the same day and have it verified by a DF coach and you'll receive a t-shirt that says, "I'm DF Fit!" in the corresponding color for which level you've completed and have you picture taken and put on our "Wall of Fame"!
T-Shirt Colors
Level 3 = Black
Level 2 = Purple
Level 1 = Green
Now, it's time to get to work earning your shirts!
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