Friday, February 1, 2013

5 Exercises For 2013

Not all exercises are created equal and some exercises are more effective than others. Here are five exercises that you should be incorporating into your workouts in 2013.

  1. Renegade Rows - not only does this exercise focus on horizontal pulling, which strengthens the muscles of the upper back, it is also training the core at the same time. Watch here:
  2. DB Squat & Press - there is no way to make an exercise more functional and efficient than to combine two movements together and that is exactly what we've done with the DB Squat and Press. Watch here:
  3. KB Swing - not only does this exercise get your heart pounding it also is great for your posture. Watch here:
  4. TRX Jackknife - similar to the plank the TRX Jackknife will hit all of the muscles of your core. Watch here:
  5. Plank with Lateral Row - this one takes the plank to a whole new level. The basic plank is one of the best exercises to train your core and activates more core muscles than other core exercises. By adding the lateral row it requires your core muscles to stabilize even more. Watch here:
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