Thursday, January 6, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip For Results #10: Give Your Warm Up A Makeover

I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard that you need to warm-up before you workout.

But, what makes a good warm-up?

Most people think jumping the treadmill for 10 minutes and doing a few stretches either before or after is sufficient. I’ll admit that there was a time long when I used to do this. However, as research and knowledge in the fitness industry grows we continue to learn and find new things, which means mostly likely what is being done today and thought to be right may very well be looked upon differently five years or so from now.

Why do we need to warm-up?

The main reason is injury prevention. Warming-up prepares your body for what is about to come through increasing body temperature, loosening and lubricating joints, waking up your muscles so that they can perform at their best, and stretching your muscles through a full range of motion.

What should a warm-up consist of?

1. Soft-Tissue/Self Myofascial Release (SMR) Work - this will help to loosen tight and knotted up muscles and break up scar tissue that may be from past injuries.

2. Stretching – two to three stretches for the tightest areas of your body.

3. Joint Mobility Work – many us have tight joints that are not functioning properly. This dysfunction causes the body to compromise in other areas, which can lead to an injury.

4. Muscle Activation – perform a couple exercises for the weaker muscles in the body, typically the glutes, core, and shoulder girdle.

5. Total Body Movements – again two to three exercise that involve all the muscles of the body, e.g. a lunge with a reach, wave squat, or Turkish get up.

6. Plyometrics – finish up with a couple plyometric exercises. These could be as simple as skips or more challenging with broad jumps.

A warm-up like this will take about 20 minutes and will consist of about 12-18 exercises and each component is essential to preparing the body for a workout.



2011 Weight Loss Challenge - "Get In The Game"- Are you ready to start the new year off by losing a few pounds? What if you could lose weight and win $1000? Well, that's exactly what we are doing. We have teamed up Grieb Chiropratic Clinic and are challenging the community to lose weight. The challenge starts January 10th and will run for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks the participant who has lost the highest percentage of weight will win $1000!! All you have to do is register at either Defined Fitness or Grieb Chiropratic Clinic and pay the $100 entrance fee! The entrance fee will get you entered into the challenge, give you a 14-day pass to Defined Fitness with personal training included, and a spinal analysis by Dr. Eric Grieb.

* $1000 subject to change based on number of entries.

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