Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Defined Fitness Tip For Results #9: New Year, New You - 2011 Metabolism Makeover

It’s that time of the year again when millions of Americans make their New Year’s Resolutions and flock to their local gym with the hopes of making this the year they achieve their goal of getting the body they desire. Unfortunately for the majority of these people they will put in hours of work for a month, maybe two, and then give up after not seeing the results they had hoped for.

However, this does not have to happen to you!

What if their was a way to see results and only have to dedicate 3-4 hours per week to exercise and never have to step onto a treadmill?

Incorporate the following tips and give your body a Metabolism Makeover for 2011.

1. Multi-Joint Exercises. Leg extensions and bicep curls my help a bodybuilder define their muscles, but single joint exercises and machines will do little to help get you the body you desire. Instead, focus on exercises like the squat, deadlift, and overhead press that use multiple muscle groups and are performed standing.

2. Turn off the treadmill and kick up your cardio with Kettle Bell Tabata Intervals. A 2008 research study has shown that people who did 40 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week for 15 weeks gained fat. The reason this happens is because your body is always trying to store energy (fat). So as a result your body becomes more efficient by adapting to the exercise and burning less calories with each session. Aerobic exercise is very easy to adapt to. However, interval training is much harder for your body to adapt to. A 1994 study showed that participants in a interval training program burned nine times more fat in less time than the participants in the aerobic training group. Another study has also shown that by using a 4-minute interval of 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest (Tabata Protocol) 3 times per week resulted in the same cardiovascular benefits as doing aerobic exercise for 60 minutes three times per week. When it’s time for your next cardio workout try the following Kettle Bell Tabata Interval Instead.

- Kettle Bell Swings

- Burpees

- Kettle Bell Front Squat

- Push Ups

*Perform each for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest after each exercise, repeat 2 times.

3. Incorporate total body hybrid exercises. Hybrid exercises save time and burn more calories giving your metabolism a boost. So what is a hybrid exercise? A hybrid exercise is combining two or more exercises together using the same weight. Try the following: barbell rows, barbell RDL, barbell front squat, barbell OH Press. Perform 5-8 reps of each exercise before moving on to the next, after completing all exercises rest 2 minutes and repeat for 2-3 sets.

4. Eat Breakfast. If you haven’t been eating breakfast one of the fast ways to boost your metabolism and weight loss is to starting eating breakfast. By skipping breakfast you put your body in a state that promotes fat gain.

5. Eat every 3 hours. There is an old saying “Eat like a horse, not like a bear.” Horses graze all day and have a lean muscular body, while bears binge on fish and then go sleep for 3 months. The bear while muscular isn’t particularly lean. Eating every 3 hours will keep your metabolism running high and prevent your body from dropping into fat storage mode.

6. Opt for low carb, not low fat. Numerous research studies have shown that a low carb diet will result in greater fat loss than a low fat diet. However, you still need to watch where your fats come from. You want to get your fats from lean meats, fish, nuts, and olive oils, rather than from fried greasy and processed foods.


2011 Weight Loss Challenge - "Get In The Game"- Are you ready to start the new year off by losing a few pounds? What if you could lose weight and win $1000? Well, that's exactly what we are doing. We have teamed up Grieb Chiropratic Clinic and are challenging the community to lose weight. The challenge starts January 10th and will run for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks the participant who has lost the highest percentage of weight will win $1000!! All you have to do is register at either Defined Fitness or Grieb Chiropratic Clinic and pay the $100 entrance fee! The entrance fee will get you entered into the challenge, give you a 14-day pass to Defined Fitness with personal training included, and a spinal analysis by Dr. Eric Grieb.

* $1000 subject to change based on number of entries.

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