Thursday, January 13, 2011

Defined Fitness Upcoming Events!!

2011 Weight Loss Challenge - starts January 10th and will run for 8 weeks. Each participant will be weighed in each week, at the end of the 8 weeks the person who as lost the highest percentage of body weight will win $1000. To "Get In The Game" you can register at either Defined Fitness or Grieb Chiropractic Clinic and pay your $100 entry fee. Participants can register at any time during the challenge. Your registration fee will get you into the challenge, a 21-Day membership to Defined Fitness with 6 fitness coaching sessions and a free spinal analysis by Dr. Eric Grieb. For more information call 724-934-2000.

Check out last years competition coverage here!

Get Fit For Charity - On the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month we will be holding a free class, open to everyone members and nonmembers alike, at 6:15 p.m. to raise money for Lift Strong , benefits the Leukemia and Lymphomia Society. There is no fee to attend, however donations are appreciated. See you there and tell your friends. Let's see you much we can raise in 2011! For more information call 724-934-2000.

Nutrition Course - starting February 15th we will begin our 4 week Nutrition Course. Meetings will be held each Tuesday at 6 p.m. for 4 weeks. Each participant will recieve a course book and workbook. $199 to register and must be registered by February 8th. Limited to 10 people.
For more information call 724-934-2000.

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