Everyone is looking for that quick fix secret to weight loss. You can spend your entire life looking and you will never find it. It doesn't exist.
The secret to weight loss is: move more and eat real food.
Before we go further let's differentiate between weight loss and fat loss. Everyone says they want to lose weight, but what they really means is fat loss. We all know that person who has crashed dieted and done a ton of cardio and lost weight, but doesn't look any different. Just smaller. Maybe that has even been you. They lost weight, but maintained about the same amount of body fat. All they did was create a smaller version of themselves, which they were most likely unhappy with.
Fat loss is what people really mean when they say they want to lose weight. They want to change how their body looks, tone up, and see definition. Fat loss is much different than weight loss.
So back to moving more and eating real food.
We are a very sedentary society. Our lives today are less active than they were only ten years ago and much less active than our parents and grandparents. All of our modern conveniences, such as computers, TV's, elevators, people movers, and smart phones have made life easier, but they also have made our lives less active.
Additionally, the quality of our food has decreased. We have genetically modified it to get bigger fruit and vegetables, fatter cows, and more food additives and preservatives. If it's in a box pass it up for some real food.
Move more and eat real food.
We Change Lives!
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