Thursday, March 31, 2016

It's here!

After almost three months the "PNF Shake Bar" is no open!

Every shake is all natural with no additives or preservatives and is a great way to finish your workout.

The Benefits of Recovery Shake

We are often asked what the one thing is that a client can do to improve their results. Assuming you are already working out 3-4 days per week, it would be to drink a protein shake immediately after your workout. Of course, if you don’t workout consistently and/or eat healthy this is not going to do much for you. Exercise and Nutrition are the foundation of all results and always will be.

So just how will a protein shake benefit you:
1. Research has shown that individuals who drank a whey protein shake after a workout lost 9.2 pounds more than those who only dieted.
2. Provides nutrients to the muscles after exercise to begin the repair process.
3. Helps to build muscle tissue, which will increase metabolism and burn more calories.
4. Provides a low calorie, high protein option, which is especially important when dieting.
5. Easy on the go snacks.
6. Breakfast. Shakes work well for individuals who are not used to eating breakfast and are not hungry in the morning.
7. Suppresses appetite longer that starchy/sugary snacks.

PNF Summer Shape Up

Many of our members have ask for a program to help get them ready to hit the beach and/or pool this summer. Well here it is!

Starts: Monday, April 18th
Ends: Saturday, May28th (Memorial Day Weekend)

      - Special Workout Sessions
      - Pre & Post Measurements
      - Bi-Weekly Nutrition Meeting
      - All for only $49

Premium Access for $99 Includes:
     - Special Workout Sessions
     - Pre & Post Measurements
     - Bi-Weekly Nutrition Meeting
     - And...Unlimited Small Group Sessions

*This program is only available to current PNF Members.

**Look for more details to come in the next week.
We Change Lives!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What's The Secret To Weight Loss?

Everyone is looking for that quick fix secret to weight loss. You can spend your entire life looking and you will never find it. It doesn't exist.

The secret to weight loss is: move more and eat real food.

Before we go further let's differentiate between weight loss and fat loss. Everyone says they want to lose weight, but what they really means is fat loss. We all know that person who has crashed dieted and done a ton of cardio and lost weight, but doesn't look any different. Just smaller. Maybe that has even been you. They lost weight, but maintained about the same amount of body fat. All they did was create a smaller version of themselves, which they were most likely unhappy with.

Fat loss is what people really mean when they say they want to lose weight. They want to change how their body looks, tone up, and see definition. Fat loss is much different than weight loss.

So back to moving more and eating real food.

We are a very sedentary society. Our lives today are less active than they were only ten years ago and much less active than our parents and grandparents. All of our modern conveniences, such as computers, TV's, elevators, people movers, and smart phones have made life easier, but they also have made our lives less active.

Additionally, the quality of our food has decreased. We have genetically modified it to get bigger fruit and vegetables, fatter cows, and more food additives and preservatives. If it's in a box pass it up for some real food.

Move more and eat real food.
We Change Lives!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The 100 Calorie Scam

Just because the packaging says "only 100 calories" does not mean it is a good snack. 100 calorie snacks are only a way to get people to buy junk food. That 100 calorie pack is not going to satisfy you and you will end up eating three or four instead. That 100 calories has now become 300 or 400 calories of garbage.

On the other hand you could have had a half cup of blueberries and thirteen almonds for around 100 calories and been satisfied.

Real food gets you lean. Packaged food gets you fat.

"Nutrition Basics" Seminar

Saturday, March 12th at 11 a.m. we will be holding a nutrition seminar covering all the basics of clean eating. The seminar is free to attend and open to members and nonmembers. The seminar will run for approximately an hour.

Please RSVP if you plan to come.

Just A Friendly Reminder - Please schedule all your appointments that you plan to come to and not just show up for a session unscheduled. This allows us to better serve you through being able to plan how many people will be in each session. If you do not know how to use the online scheduler we'd be happy to show you how or you if you are not comfortable with that you can always call to schedule before hand. Thanks for your cooperation.
We Change Lives!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Member Madness Week #1

Each week for the entire month of March we will post our daily events for "March Member Madness"

Here is week #1:

March 1st - Bring a friend

March 2nd - Challenge Day - compete in a challenge to entered into a raffle at the end of the month.

March 3rd - Compliment Day - give your workout partner a compliment.

March 4th - "Burpees &  Brews" - 1 Workout, 12+ Beers, 1 Great Cause - Come and enjoy a workout and craft beer tasting all with the goal of raising $3,900 for Make-A-Wish. Featured Breweries include: Voodoo, Hop Farm, Grist House, and Race Street.

March 5th - Kettlebell Basics Seminar - 11am-Noon learn the basics on of kettlebell training.
We Change Lives!