Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Fat Loss Hierarchy

The Goal: Lose 10  Pounds of body fat in 4 weeks

If this was your goal you'd start with some light walking maybe 30 minutes each evening and slowly increase that to a jog for 40-60 minutes and in 4 weeks you'll be down 10 pounds right? 


Most likely you'll lose a pound or two and see very little difference in how your clothes fit. 

So what went wrong?

Well, first we need to understand the Fat Loss Hierarchy and that will explain why daily walking/jogging alone never works for fat loss.

The Fat Loss Hierarchy
1. Proper Nutrition- this is the most important part of any fat loss program. Without a proper nutrition program it is hard to see any fat loss from exercise.

2. See #1 yeah it's that important.

3. Activities that burn calories, maintain and promote muscle growth and increase metabolism- these activities are strength training and should make up the majority of your exercise routine. This is 3 hours of training each week.

4. Activities that burn calories and increase metabolism- this is where interval training comes in along with other metabolic conditioning types of exercise. This type of exercise should be done for up to 2 hours each week. Only after you you have gotten your 3 hours of strength training in.

5. Activities that burn calories- walking, jogging, running, elliptical, etc. These activities should only be done after you've done 3 hours of strength training and another 2 hours of interval training. At this point this is all your body is able to do without breaking itself down. 

As you can see cardio (walking/running) is fine to include in your fat loss program if you have more than 6 hours per week to dedicate to exercise. But, lets be realistic in today's world no one has that much time. Most of us only have about 3-4 hours each week to dedicate to working out.

So with that in mind we need to focus on eating right, and following a strength training program to get optimal fat loss results. 


Swim Suit Ready In 4 Weeks!! Don't forget Swim Suit people to schedule your week 2 meeting with a coach to go over your week 1 nutrition, sleep, water and workout logs. 

Also, if you are having issues with snacks, breakfast, motivation anything you are struggling with don't hesitate to go to the private swimsuit Facebook page and leave a post. Someone will respond back with a tip or suggestion you may have not thought of yourself. If you have not been invited to the group make sure you friend request Tammy Zubasic and let her know you were not added.  


We recently just added a new snack to our arsenal. These Chia Chargers are very clean (yes still somewhat processed but not horrible). They give you a little boost of natural energy and calm hunger cravings. Making them perfect if you are on the go and need a snack. They also workout well as pre-workout to give your workout an extra energy boost. It doesn't hurt either that they taste really good :)
We Change Lives!

1 comment:

  1. The Fat Burning Kitchen is a nutritional eBook written by Mike Geary and Catherine Ebeling. The Fat Burning Kitchen is extremely easy to read and implement.
