Thursday, April 30, 2015

Easy Bake Fitness

Everyone makes fitness and weight loss seem harder than it is. There are the TV infomercials shouting the latest scientific breakthrough. Claiming that if you don't have their gadget you wont have abs. Then you have the tabloids with their extreme celebrity diets. And of course, you can't forget to mention the biggest loser, which shows extremely overweight people working out for 8+ hours a day to lose weight. While the show may inspire some to get off the couch, which by the way they are sitting on while they watch the show, it makes many more feel like big losers because they can't dedicate that same amount of time to fitness and weight loss and/or don't lose 20 pounds in a week. 

What you need realize is that fitness and weight loss is a simple recipe that starts with nutrition and ends with consistency and patience.

So what is this simple recipe?

1. Nutrition - This is the most important ingredient. Clean up your eating and watch the weight drop off, continue eating the same and you'll struggle to shed even a couple pounds. Too many people make nutrition harder than it has to be and get caught up in small details. You don't have to pair foods, or if you eat this you must eat that or you can't have that. All these claims are bogus and only make for good headlines. It really is as simple as eliminating processed foods. If you can't slice if off an animal or pick it from nature you probably shouldn't eat it. 

2. Strength Training - Research has shown that strength training 3-4 days per week for 45 minutes is the most effective way to lose body fat and change your body.

3. Interval Training - Additionally, research has also shown that interval training results in 9 times more fat loss than steady state cardio.

4. Post-Workout Protein Shake - If there is one thing you could do to get better results it is to drink a protein shake immediately post work out. Your results aren't gained in your workout, they are gained by how well you recover in between workouts and this all starts with what you put in your body immediately after your workout.

5. Consistency & Patience - This is the hardest part. You didn't gain the weight and get out of shape in a week or a couple of months. Weight loss takes time, but with consistency and patience in a years time you can completely transform the body you see looking back at you in the mirror. 

So there you have it. Follow the recipe step by step and you will see results. If you change the recipe you will end up with something else and it probably won't come out right.


Home for the summer? Looking for a place to work out? Try Defined Fitness for only $69 a month. Your membership includes unlimited access to our Afterburn and Burn Zone Sessions, a new weekly workout and unlimited access to the facility Monday -Friday between the hours of 12-4 pm. Stop in or call today to get started. 724-934-2000.
*High School and College Students only. College students must present college I.D. Offer Valid May-August of 2015

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