Thursday, February 26, 2015

Slosh Pipe Workout/ Kettlebell Fundamentals Workshop

Get Sloshed With DF
For those of you who were with us at DF last year, you got a taste of the Slosh Pipe Workout. This year we are taking it to an exciting new level and going to have another great slosh pipe workout.

The workout will be held at Defined Fitness on Friday the 13th at 5:15 pm. And wrap up at 6 p.m., followed by some Irish beer. The workout is open to all members and a guests. So bring your friends! 

If you are able to make it please sign up along with who you are bringing so we have a head count for beer and the workout!!

Kettlebell Fundamentals Workshop

DF is hosting a Kettlebell Fundamentals Workshop on Saturday March 28th from 11 am- 2pm. Come join us to learn the philosophy behind Kettlebell training. Along with the proper technique of each movement and exercise. This will include but is not limited to learning how to properly execute Snatch, Clean, Swing, Deadlift and many more.

Spots are limited to 25 people only! The workshop is $25 to attend and spots will be held for those who have paid, on a first come first serve basis. This means get your spot before they're gone!

Shakes of the Month for March
DF is excited to announce that in honor of Girl Scout Cookie season we have come up with our own version of the infamous Samoa Cookie and a Thin Mint inspired recovery shakes. Tell the girl scouts not this year I'm working on my beach body and get your cookie fix with us. (Just give them cash instead of buying the cookies:)

Resolution Solution
Make sure if you have not scheduled to get weighed and measured this week to do so before Saturday! Also, make sure you have those 20 miles on the bike before Saturday at 11 am! We are half way there guys! Only 4 more weeks to go! 

Many of you are utilizing the "WOW" (workout of the week) which is great!! Don't forget this workout is for anyone who wants to come in on their own. We always have it up and available for you to do!

You will APPsolutly Love Our App
If you have not done so yet make sure you download our app. It is loaded chalk full with things like our online scheduler, a shake punch card, a spot for your DF membership card, Perkville, access to important "Alerts and Events" going on in the club, and much more! Check it out in the App Store today!.  Search "Defined Fitness"

Like us on Facebook
Keep up to date with fitness tips, inspiration, nutritional help, member photos and contests that could earn you free shakes, Starbucks gift cards, gas cards, and more!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Healthy Snacking...

We are now carrying ‪#‎ProTings‬ a healthy potato chip alternative at DF. These pea protein baked crisps are packed with 15 grams of protein, are gluten and GMO free, and only 120 calories and come in a tasty chili lime flavor. Try a bag with lunch today!

New Flavors "Wild Blueberry Greek Yogurt" and "Oatmeal CinnaRasin" DotFit protein bars. These are very similar to granola bars, but contain 12g protein, 3g fiber, and real fruit.  

Both make great snack choices by themselves or you can use the ProTings to replace your daily bag of chips at lunch and have one of the DotFit bars for breakfast!
Coming In March...

With March comes St. Patty's Day and it just wouldn't be right if we didn't throw a party at DF! So with that being said we will be having our annual "Get Sloshed with DF St. Patty's Day Slosh Pipe Workout Party" on Friday, March 13th at 5:15 p.m. The workout will start at 5:15 p.m. sharp and end with a Guinness or two afterwards, provided by DF. Also, remember to dress in your best St. Patty's Day GREEN! (Event is open to members and nonmembers. Please RSVP by Monday, March 9th.) 

Tired of banged up and bruised shoulders from Kettlebell Cleans? Then, you should attend our "Kettlebell Fundamentals Workshop" on Saturday, March 28th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This workshop will cover the kettlebell philosophy, teach proper kettlebell technique and progressions and regressions of movements. (Read: no more bruised arms) This three hour workshop is designed to break down each movement and teach you how to master the kettlebell. Workshop cost is $25 per person (both members and nonmembers) and is limited to 25 participants. Spots reserved on a first come first serve basis.

Attention "Resolution Solutioners"!!Next week is Week 4! That means we are at our mid-way point and it's time to get your measurements taken so be sure to schedule a time next week to meet with a DF coach and have them taken. It's a close race with $1,000 on the line, so keep up the work.
We Change Lives!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

You Can't Out Exercise A Bad Diet

In a perfect world losing weight and getting results would come from exercise alone. Unfortunately, we do not live in that world, or even near that realm of reality.  The truth is, we have to put ourselves 100% into our fitness and nutrition program and commit to it. This means that you must eat right 80% of the time. Think about that for a second, if your daily caloric intake is 1,800 calories that means in a week you will have consumed 12,600 calories. To be in the 80% range means that of those 12,600 calories you have 2,520 free calories to eat whatever you want. The bad news is that 2,520 calories can be consumed in one evening with dessert and a few drinks leaving no room for the rest of the week to slide off track. 

Additionally, you NEED to get 8 hours of sleep to allow your body to fully recover and regenerate. Drinking water is not an option. It is a MUST to keep your muscles and body hydrated.  Stressed? Who isn't? Being in a constant state of stress can lead to: over-eating, lack of sleep, and loss of will-power. After a night of only 6 hours of sleep, another rough day at the office, and feeling totally worn out it's easy to skip the gym and hit the bar for drinks and greasy food.

Stress is everywhere and you can not make it go away. Learning to manage that stress is a another story. Think of stress as a bath tub that consistently has water running into. The water cannot be shut off. But, you can put more drains in it so that the water doesn't over flow. Make yourself go to bed earlier. If you have must see shows use your DVR to record them and watch them over the weekend when you are able to relax. Fill up four water bottles that are at least 20 ounces and make yourself drink them during the day. If don't finish them you have to do 10 burpees before going to bed (or something else that you really despise). 

Results come to those who work hard and earn it. If you are not getting results chances are  you are only putting in effort at the gym, not in the kitchen as well.  Nutrition is not that hard when you follow the simple steps which are:

  • Eliminate Processed Foods – “If it was made to sit on the shelf for years, if will sit on your butt, belly and hips just as long.” Your goal should be to eat as much of your food as possible in its natural state. This means if it’s in a box or a wrapper it’s processed and not the best choice.
  • Keep a Food Journal – We’ve seen over and over that those who see the best results keep a daily food journal. Some prefer paper and pencil, others prefer an app. What you use doesn’t matter as long as you do it. Simple but effective!!
  • Eat Protein – A higher protein diet will result in greater fat loss and muscle gain than a low protein diet. Protein, which is found in red meat, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy, contains amino acids that are the building block of muscles. These are needed to rev up your metabolism and help you shed fat. This happens through the process of building muscle tissue, which requires your body to burn more calories. Also, when you have more muscle on your body, it gives you toned and sculpted muscle definition.
  • Eat Good Quality Carbs In Moderation – Low carb diets tend to result in greater and faster fat loss. But, not all carbs are bad. The problem with carbs is when they become processed they have many preservatives and artificial ingredients added to them. Baked potatoes, rice, quinoa, and oats are all good choices and should be eaten occasionally throughout the week. Breads and pastas however tend to be highly processed and have numerous artificial ingredients added to them.
  • Load Up On Veggies – Not only do vegetables contain numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as contain high amounts of fiber. They also are very low in calories. Eat as many veggies as you can each day.
  • Watch Your Fruit Intake - We recommend 1-2 servings of fruit each day. More than this and you may bring in to much daily sugar.
  • Say No To Sugar – Skip desserts, candy, processed carbs, fruit juices, soda and snack foods. These foods all contain high amounts of sugar and very little nutritional value and are a great way to gain body fat.
  • Finish Your Workout With A Recovery Shake & Take Your Supplements – Immediately after your workout your body begins to look for nutrients to start the recovery process. The best way to get these nutrients is through a Recovery Shake. This will keep your metabolism running higher and produce greater results. In addition to the Recovery Shake, we also recommend that you take a daily Multi-Vitamin and Fish Oil Supplement. The Multi-Vitamin will ensure that your body receives all of the vitamins and minerals needed to keep your metabolism functioning at it’s best. And Fish Oil has been shown to provide numerous benefits including; improved cardiovascular health, mental health, tissue health, and fat loss.
  • Labeling Is Deceiving – Don’t fall for the food industry’s sneaky marketing tricks. Labeling things as “natural”, “whole grain”, “gluten free”, “low fat or fat free”, and “low sugar or sugar free” does not mean they are healthy choices. You are always best eating a food, as close to it’s natural state as possible.
  • Don’t Drink Your Calories – The number one way to gain weight is to drink calories. This means no soda, juice (even 100% juice), sports drinks, and coffee drinks. The best things you can drink are water, green tea, coffee (no more than 2 cups per day), and unsweetened teas. And NO “diet” versions are not better!
Results begin and end in the kitchen. Exercise is just the glue that brings it all together.

We Change Lives!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Now that January is gone, like the rest of the country you may have given up on your New Years Resolutions. But, lets give you the benefit of the doubt and just say that you put them on the back burner. Or, maybe you have started working on your fitness goals for 2015, but just haven't fully committed to them yet. 

Well now is the the time to fire up those resolutions and achieve your goal! Make February, FIT-bruary, and make it your most driven month this year. Set the plans in motion for those spring and summer months. We hate to break it to you but swimsuit season is right around the corner. Are you where you want to be?  Remember that New Years resolution list we made last month?  It's time to pull those out or go back to our blog from the first of the year and re-read it (shame on those of you who didn't the first time). Read them and remind yourself of your goals. Remind yourself what you are climbing for and resume the climb. You won't get to the top of the mountain by sitting on your rear at the bottom. If you did not make the frequent sweaters list in January we challenge you to make it on the list in FIT-bruary. 

DF's Shakes of the Month.. If you haven't made it to DF this week you probably haven't heard that February's Recovery Shakes of the month are Red Velvet and Chocolate Covered Cherry. The Red Velvet we hear is "to die for" and "tastes just like cake batter". Get them before they're gone, and get your craving for chocolate covered satisfied in the healthiest way! 

Frequent Sweaters
Gretchen McNaughton, Jean Emling, Marcie Berry, Patti Hasselbusch, Adrienne Rively, Vicki Rothermel, Deanne Braksator, Kathy Weber-Clark, Chris McCuen, Mandie Giambroni, Amy Pusateri, Debby Roble, Joyce McGuirk, Mary Ann Rusbarsky, Abbie Tillison, John Tillison, Judy Antimarino, Mary Ann Farell, Kerry Schurman, Ann Miner, Rosemary Robinson, Susann Enica, Frank Zappala, Michael Sulkoske, Ken Ross, Mary Lou Shenot, Sheryl Simon, Melanie West, Kim Hays, David Goldstein, Eleanor Sargent, Paul Pusateri, Denny Allerton, Lori Ross, Barb Bain.
Congratulations Guys you beat the January Blues and got your 10+ visits to DF for the month!
*(We try to get everyone, however if you do not scan your membership card, especially if you come into workout on your own you will get missed. We do the best we can but that is why we need you to scan at the door.)

As it continues to drop that white stuff that we are all sick of. We would like to thank you all for changing your shoes when you come in. We know its a pain in the butt, but it helps us provide a cleaner and better gym experience for you.

Happy Birthday to all our February Birthday clients!
Lisa Paulson, Shanie Miller, Ed Dias, Michelle McCann, Mike Lewis, Maddie Ince, Barb Bain, Eric Grieb, Donna Hall

We want to thank you all for your cooperation with the 24 hour scheduling policy. As we add more trainers this will be more important as if no one is scheduled for a certain time slot that trainer may get sent home. That makes just showing up for a session without being scheduled a 50/50 chance. You will always have a workout here to do, you just may not get a session. 

Don't forget every member now has an additional workout option. WOW!  If you want to come in and workout on your own the WOW (Workout of the Week) workout will change each week.

We are glad you all are enjoying the new warm-up format and love hearing all the positive feed back. We are sure you all love that you are burning an extra 100-200 calories in your workouts as well ;) Yes you are working harder BUT you're supposed to work hard that is why they call it "WORKing out", right?

Resolution Solution-ers do not forget to check our Facebook page on Monday for your challenge of the week. It will be posted at 5:30 am. It will also be posted on the chalk board at DF if you are not on Facebook, or if you do not like our page (it's your loss as its full of tips, inspiration, and things going on in the club). Our Facebook link is down below if you need to find us!
We Change Lives!