Thursday, November 6, 2014

We want to extend a very big THANK YOU to all of you who came to Mad Mex on Saturday Nov. 1st and participated in our fundraiser or by donating time, baskets, buying silent auction tickets or graciously donating money because of all of you we were able to raise and destroy our original goal of $1,000 to actually raise $2,710!!! We thank each and everyone of one of you for making this event a success.

Also, if you participated in the Halloween Hustle Heart Rate Challenge and have not picked up your t-shirt yet please do so the next time you are in.

Defined Fitness will be closed on Thursday November 13th between 12 and 4 p.m. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thanksgiving Hours:
We will be open from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning for a Special Thanksgiving Workout. On Black Friday we will be open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.

Congratulations to our frequent Sweaters for the month of October! You guys had 10 or more visits way to go and make sure you keep that up even over the upcoming holidays!
Diane Staniland, Debby Roble, Julianne Schlueb, Deborah Hessinger, Sally Pavlina, Frank Zappala, Melanie West, Eleanor Sargent, Nick Ince, Jude Ince, Joyce McGuirk, Chris McCuen, Vicki Rothermel, Adrienne Rively, Gretchen McNaughton, Greg Muiter, Susann Enica, Kerry Schurman, Kathy Weber Clark, Christi Eyler, Mary Eyler, Karen Kaiser, John Tillison, Kathy Madeya, Mary Ann Rusbarsky, Rosemary Robinson, Linda Bagley, Abigail Tillison, Jan Hutchison, Ken Ross, Paula Heinricher, Amy Pusateri, Paul Pusateri, Kim Hays, Mary Lou Shenot, David Goldstein, Kelly Calloway Lori Ross, Deanne Braksator, Ann Valcarcel, Diane Marzula, Jackie Saladino, Sheryl Simon and Carol Scanga

Happy Birthday to all you November babies! Gerri Morris, Marian O'Neill, Anne King, Faith Morando, Barb Bauer, Debbie Crissinger, and Jen Salac!

New members of October, DF would like to welcome Teresa Marzo, Don Kovach, Terry Mosco, and Lois Karran to our DF family!
We Change Lives!

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