Monday, September 8, 2014

Website Redesign

Hi Guys we have a small favor of whoever wants to participate this week, we are redoing our website and want to do a video blurb, just a few sentences as to why you chose to come to Defined Fitness and what it has meant to you so far, why do you like it here or what has it helped you accomplish so far or basically the first thing that comes to mind when you come to DF (as long as its nice thoughts, we hope ;) ) 
if you are willing to be recorded for a few seconds to say a few kind words before or after your work out we truly would appreciate it! And if you don't want to then 5 burpees just kidding ! It is no problem at all just let what ever coach is there know you would like to say a few words so we can lights camera action!

Thank you all so much in advance we appreciate each and everyone of you!!

And again guys please download the app it is free, free! It will help you stay connected to what is going on and i PROMISE promise we will not send you push alerts or notifications every day only when something is important or urgent or we have unexpected closings!
We Change Lives

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