Friday, June 6, 2014

May Frequent Sweaters, New Small Group Personal Training Times, and More...

Do to the increased demand for Small Group Personal Training we have added a 6 p.m. SMG Session on Monday and Wednesday and moved the 6:45 p.m. session to 7 p.m. We have also added 4 more spots to Monday's and Wednesday's 8 a.m. SMG sessions. Again thanks for be a loyal member!


Congratulations to May's "Frequent Sweaters" for getting 10 or more visits. Keep up the good work and getting in those workouts!

Sheryl Simon
Char Friel
Lynn Brehm
Otilia Enica
Susann Enica
John Friel
Ann Miner
Eleanor Sargent
Claire Hartman
Ann Valcarcel
Jackie Saladino
Amy Pusateri
Lisa Paulson
Vicki Rothermel
Rosemary Robinson
Denny Allerton
Robin Jimerson
Adrienne Rively
Michele McCann
Deanne Braksator
Mary Ann Rusbarsky
Kerry Schurman
Marian O'Neill
Kim Hays
Kathy Weber-Clark
Allison Henne
Debby Roble
Jan Hutchison
Paula Heinricher
Marcie Berry
Janet Cuda
Patti Hasselbusch
David Goldstein

Plank On The Beach  - taking a trip to the beach this summer? If so, take pic of yourself Planking on the Beach and post it to our Facebook page and/or send it to us to put up on our "Wall of Fame"!
We Change Lives!

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