Thursday, April 3, 2014

Is Purell Actually Harming Your Health?

We tend to be a very germaphobic society, but what if all those antibacterial products are actually causing more harm than good? And what if a little bacteria every day was good for us? 

This month Men's Health has a great article titled "Inside Your Gut" that discusses why our bodies need bacteria for optimal health and how many of our modern health ailments may be the result of the overuse of antibacterial products. You can read the full article here: Inside Your Gut

We Change Lives!

April Is Plank Month!
Do you think you can hold a Plank for 5 minutes? Find out by competing in the months challenge: Planking. Here's how it works: Start with 20 seconds and every few days add a little more time. By the end of the month try to work up to 5 minutes. At the end of the month we will hold a "Last Man or Women Planking" Challenge to see which DF member has the strongest abs! There is no contest to compete, challenge sheets can be picked up at the front desk.

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