Thursday, April 17, 2014

6 Weeks Until Swim Suit Season

Swim suit season is almost here and like it or not you will be faced with wearing a swim suit at some point this summer. The question is: Will you be ready?

Well have no fear, because the team at Defined Fitness is here! And as always we've got you covered. So this summer you don't have to be. 

Starting Monday, May 5th, 2014 we will be kicking off our "Summer Swim Suit Season" Fitness Program. This will be a six week program that will get you into shape and looking tone and trim, whether it's on the beach or at pool so you can confidently rock your swim suit. 

"Summer Swim Suit Season" Fitness Program includes:

  • A specially designed fitness program to get you into the best shape possible for summer
  • Weekly measurements
  • Weekly themes, challenges, and benchmarks 
  • Free DF t-shirt ...(we have some awesome new shirts coming out and participants will get them before they are released)
  • 8 Free Recovery Shakes
  • "Summer Swim Suit Season" fitness journal
  • 6-week gym membership that includes: Unlimited Team Training and Unlimited Gym Access
You get all this for only $129!! (current DF members can join for only $79)

Register for your spot today by stopping in or calling 724-934-2000.

We Change Lives!

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