Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Best Recipe For Fat Loss

From the desk of Tammy Zubasic....

We get asked this question a lot.  What is the best way to lose fat? 

Cardio, yoga, zumba, spinning, weight training? Should I be lifting heavy weight for fewer repetitions, or lifting lighter weights for more repetitions?  Should I workout everyday or every other day?

The answer (drum roll please)……...none of the above.

Research out of the University of Texas and the University of Oklahoma has found that 5 exercise sessions per week done with a combination of strength training, endurance training, and interval training only resulted in 1.5 pounds of fat lost after nearly 3 months of exercise.  

That is a lot of work for only 1.5 lbs of fat lost. Now we are not trying to claim that there are no benefits to exercise – quite the contrary.  Exercise specifically strength training has the following benefits:
  • Preserves muscle mass with advancing age – a key factor in independence into our senior years
  • Leads to enhanced aerobic and anaerobic fitness – two other key factors in successful aging
  • Creates important biochemical changes – reducing disease risk and mortality rates
  •  Improves cognitive function and mood – resulting in an enhanced quality of life
  • Exercise also acts as gas on the fire, which will result in greater enhanced fat loss than dieting alone. With that being said dieting alone will result in weight loss, but unfortunately this weight loss results in just a smaller version of the person you were, can you say "Skinny Fat". By incorporating strength training into your life you will get that lean sculpted body you desire.

In order, to see fat loss you must create a calorie deficit and the best way to do that is through restricting the amount of daily calories your body brings in and by exercising to burn a few more each day. That being said nutrition is 80% of your results, exercise is only 20%. You will never out exercise bad nutrition. Get your nutrition on target by using a system like dotFIT, which is what we use here at Defined Fitness, and incorporating some strength training into your weekly routine and watch the pounds roll away.
We Change Lives!

Get Sloshed with DEFINED FITNESS!! 
We will be hosting a free Slosh Pipe Workout on Friday, March 14th at 5:00 p.m. Afterwards, we will celebrate St.Patrick's Day by providing a Guinness or two to all participants. This event is open to members and nonmembers and there is no charge to attend. However, we do ask that you RSVP by Wednesday, March 12th. Hope to see all of the DF family there!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Push Up Olympics!!!

Push Up Olympics start this week Defined Fitness! Compete by trying to see how many push-ups you can get without stopping before any workout. Let's see how many medals the DF family can earn by the end of the week.
Level 1 Push Ups - from knees
Level 2 Push Ups - regular
Level 3 Push Ups - spiderman

Gold = 50 push-ups any level
Silver = 40 push-ups any level
Bronze = 30 push-ups any level


Are you going for Gold?

Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30-day personal training experience for $69! Your 30-days includes; 4 small group personal training sessions, unlimited group metabolic conditioning sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! What do you have to lose? Get started today call 724-934-2000

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How To Do More Pull-Ups

From the desk of Josh Proch...

Whether you struggle to get one or can bang out a dozen, the pull-up is one of the hardest exercises in the gym, requiring you to hang from a dead stop with arms fully extended and pull yourself up.

So how do you get better at them?

Let's start with the beginner who is unable to perform one pull-up. 

Start with a TRX Row (as steep of an angle as possible), once the client can easily do 10 reps here move on to TRX Chins, then to Band Assisted Pull-Ups. For the Band Assisted Pull-Ups you have two options; you can either place a superband around the j-pegs on a victory or squat rack, stand on the band as it assists in lifting you up, or you can go to a single superband version, where you hang the band from the top of the pull-up bar and place one foot in it to assist you, this is the more difficult version. From here go to lighter bands as you get stronger and eventually you will move on to performing 1-2 unassisted pull-ups and many more from there.

Now, for those of you who can already bang out a couple of pull-ups here are some tips to improve the number you can do.

  • Work on negative pull-ups, where you hang from the top of the bar and slowly lower yourself down. 
  • Everyday do half the number of max pull-ups you can do, twice daily.
  • Bring your legs slightly forward and squeeze your thighs and butt together, this engages the core keeping your body more stable.
  • Keep your hands shoulder width apart, many people go too wide or too narrow thus limiting there ability.

There you have it, incorporate these tips and watch the number of pull-ups you can do increase.
We Change Lives!

"New Year, New You" Standings - here are the current standings for the $2,600 Grand Prize
1st Place = Allison Henne, Jason Henne, Tracy Gracan = 9% change
2nd Place = Lisa Paulson, Mark Paulson, Darlene Bartos = 5.1% change
3rd Place = Tanya Bartholomew, Star Myers = 4.8% change
4th Place = Kim Hays, Eleanor Sargent, Michelle Conley = 3.3% change
5th Place = Diane Marzula, Donna Hall, Barb Sippel = 2.7% change
6th Place = Jackie Saladino, Mike Doak, Deanne Braksator = 2% change
7th Place = Jayme Butcher, Karen Laughrey, Reed Ochoa = 1.9% change
8th Place = Marian O'Neill, Vicki Rothermel, Michele McCann = 1.3% change
9th Place = Susann Enica, Otilia Enica, Judy Antimarino = not weighed-in yet

Monday, February 17, 2014

Stop Working Out Like an Olympian

Good afternoon guys hope you all had a great weekend, I'm sure some of you probably caught up on the 2014 Winter Olympics or have been watching all along. Watching the Olympics seems to spark something inside of us that wants to train as fast, hard, and heavy as possible but is that the real answer to getting fit and losing weight? Below is a link to a great article by Lee Boyce a strength trainer, and ex-athlete that was published in Esquire magazine. Its not long guys take 3 minutes to read it and figure out how you should apply this method to your training and what are YOUR goals that you are striving to achieve. 


Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 Day Personal Training Experience for $69. Your 30-Days includes 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, A Fitness Program designed for your goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30-days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Give Your Metabolism A Boost

Everyone think that fitness takes a lot of time, but that's not the case with the following tip that will rev up your metabolism and help you burn off that unwanted fat and build a slimmer more sculpted body.

300 Kettle Bell Swings per day. (50 reps before and after breakfast, lunch and dinner.)

That's it, pretty simple huh?

Of course, getting to the gym 2-3 days per week for a full workout is better. But, on those days when you are busy and getting to the gym just isn't going to happen, this is a great alternative. Even if you are a regular gym rat incorporating the 300 swings on your days off from the gym will give you an additional boost without taxing your body too much.
We Change Lives!

Ready to change yours? Get started today with our 30-Day Personal Training Experience for $69. Call 724-934-200 today for more details.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

It All Comes Down To Calories

Weight loss is as simple as calories in, calories out. If you have a negative daily calorie balance you will lose weight, if not you will gain. Regardless of what you eat.

That being said if you eat a daily diet of junk and fast-food, but remain under your daily calorie needs you will lose weight, but you will not feel very well and overtime your body will become drained of energy. Which will eventually lead to a calorie surplus due to the low-activity levels because of the poor diet.

Research from Harvard's lab has looked at all diets (high protein, low fat, low carb, etc.) and they all produced the same results as calories in, calories out. 

Most people report that they eat healthy, but research has shown that only 15% of the population accurately reports their portion sizes. This is where the "healthy" eaters who struggle to lose weight mess up, their portions are too large.

So how do you ensure that you are in a negative calorie balance. The two easiest ways are to cut down on your portion sizes and record what you eat each day, using a system like dotFIT.

If you haven't gotten register for dotFIT yet, let us know and we will set up a time to get you set up. It is free to all members and included with your membership.
We Changes Lives!

Perkville - all DF members should have received an email from us asking them to sign-up for Perkville. This will be replacing our "Frequent Sweaters" program. Now you will be rewarded with points for visits, training sessions, Facebook check-ins and more. Your points can then be cashed in for rewards.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Perkville and DotFIT

Hey guys just a heads up that the email everyone got about Perkville was not a virus or scam.If you did not receive this email chances are we do not have a correct email for you on file. Please let us know! We have had a few questions about what it is so I'll explain. All you have to do is follow the link in the email and register your name and a password. From there you will and can start earning points to redeem for merchandise and other goodies listed under view reward program. If you want to participate make sure that DF has your valid email that you use on a regular basis.

DotFIT many of you may have noticed we added the DotFIT collection of protein bars and supplements in the gym for sale, but some of you may not have known we added a whole new program every member is able to utilize for maximum results when paired with a proper eating plan, supplements and regular exercise which is the DotFIT app and website where you will be able to track your food and exercise. Not only can you just track weight loss but there is so much more incorporated with this app. Not only can you track but we can see if you are tracking and what you are tracking food and exercise wise to see if you are on the right track to success. If you are interested in checking this out any further let a DF coach know and we can help you get your account set up step by step! And show you all the ways to utilize this program and explain what DotFit is all about!

Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 Day Personal Training Experience for $69. This 30 day risk free trial includes: 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, A fitness program designed for your personal goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000!