Monday, December 17, 2012

Defined Fitness Tip of the Week - 2 KB Clean, Squat, & Press

This week we look at a total body combination exercise, the 2 KB Clean, Squat, and Press. This incorporates the hips, thighs, core, shoulders, and arms and works great as a short stand alone workout or as part of your program. Try a doing it as a ladder. Start with 5 reps, then 4, 3, 2, 1, and then work your way back up to 5. Only rest 15-30 seconds in between each group of reps. Watch the video below or by clicking on the link:

Coming in January 2013 we have two new additions, "Burn 20 Workouts" and our "Frequent Sweaters" program. "Burn 20" is a quick 20 minute workout that will be posted each each week in the gym. The "Frequent Sweaters" program is a reward program for attendance, each month their will be different rewards for every member who attends the gym 10 times or more in the month. Be sure to check back for additional details to come about both of these exciting new additions!
We Change Lives!

Try Us for 30-Days of Personal Training for $49. Click here to get started today!

Tis' The Season
Need a gift idea for that certain someone in your life? Why not give them the gift of fitness?

For a limited time Defined Fitness is offering a Christmas Gift Special Membership Package that includes: 30-Day Trial Membership, 2 Free Shakes, and a DF t-shirt. All packages come gift wrapped and ready to go!(A $75 value!)

Special DF members only price of $39 per gift package.

So pick up yours day at the front desk or by calling 724-934-2000.

2013 Group & Small Group Personal Training Schedule

Small Group Personal Training
  • 5:45 AM, Tuesday/Thursday
  • 7:00 AM, Tuesday/Thursday
  • 8:00 AM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday = 8:15 AM
  • 10:00 AM, Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday
  • 4:00 PM, Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday
  • 5:15 PM, Tuesday/Thursday
  • 6:45 PM, Monday/Wednesday
Large Group Personal Training
  • 5:45 AM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
  • 9:15 AM, Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday
  • 5:15 PM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
  • 7:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday
If you have any questions please let us know.

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