Thursday, November 22, 2012

7 Quick Workouts

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today we have 7 quick workouts that you can do at home all you need is your own bodyweight or a kettle bell. Start with a short warm up (RAMP) and then choose one or two of the  workouts and this shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes. Do them all for a longer 30 minute workout.

Knee Hugs x 5 ea.
Squat to Stand x 10
Toy Soldiers x 5 ea.
T Ext. Rotation x 10
Jumping Jacks x 10

Workout #1: Push Up/Squat Ladder
  -Start with 10 push ups followed by 10 squats, then 9 push ups followed by 9 squats, working your way down to 1 with no rest.

Workout #2: 100 KB Swings
  - These can be down two handed, single handed, or switching. Just get 100 reps.

Workout #3: KB Clean & Press Ladder
  - Start with 5 reps on the right followed by 5 reps on the left, then 4 and 4, 3 and 3, and so on. Once you get to 1 rep work back up to 5.

Workout #4: Leg Matrix
   - 24 squats, 24 alternating lunges, 24 alternating lunge jumps, 24 squat jumps, no rest.

Workout #5: 180 Degree Plank
   - 30 seconds on your right elbow in a side plank, 30 seconds in a front plank, 30 seconds on your left elbow in a side plank. Turn it up a notch and go for 60 seconds each position.

Workout #6: KB Complex Ladder 
   - KB Clean, Squat, Overhead Press 5 reps right, then 5 reps left, followed by 4 and 4, 3 and 3, and so on down to 1.

Workout #7: KB Stair Climbs
   - KB Single Arm Overhead Carry up and down the stairs one time on each side.
   - KB Single Arm Rack Carry up and down the stairs one time on each side.
   - KB Single Arm Farmers Walk up and down the stairs one time each side.

And here are a few exercises you can be thankful for us not including:)
 - burpees, frog thrusts, squat matrix, plank walk ups, and turkish get ups.

Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy some turkey.
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