Monday, October 29, 2012

Tip of the Week - Hip Hinge

The Hip Hinge is an essential movement in order to have proper form on deadlifts, swings, and squats. Watch the video below and try out some of these exercises and see how you do.

We Change Lives!

To Better Serve Our Members...
we ask that if you schedule for any session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable to attend please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend. And if you are planning on attending a session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure to schedule in advance so that we are able to have a coach ready for you and space in the session.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Starting Your Day Off Right

Do you eat breakfast? If so, are you eating the right stuff? While we highly recommend that you start your day off with a good breakfast, lets take a look at what one of the latest research studies found.

Research from Imperial College London that was presented at the 2012 Neuroscience conference found that people who ate a large breakfast of 730 calories had less cravings for high calorie foods during the day than those who skipped breakfast.

So why is this?
This happens because if you eat a breakfast of that size you are set and properly fueled until at least lunch and all of your other meals will tend to be smaller and result in less total daily calories consumed. On the other hand when you skip breakfast your body is now running on low energy so you will tend to crave (and eat, willpower only lasts so long) higher calorie containing foods.

What about your bowl of cereal?
The same can be said for a high carbohydrate/starch breakfast, that bowl of Cheerios or granola will leave you starving in a few hours and trigger cravings for more high calorie carbohydrate foods throughout the day. Despite how "heart healthy" and/or "part of a complete breakfast" they are advertised to be. Not to mention that they will also trigger insulin, which then triggers fat storage.

So what do we recommend?
2-3 whole eggs cooked in butter, 1/2 of an avocado, a few slices of nitrate free bacon, ham, or sausage, and throw in a piece of fruit. Eat that and you will not be hungry again for hours and you will have put your body at a fat loss advantage!

Post your thoughts and comments.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Saturday Breast Cancer Awareness Workout for all their generous donations. We will also continue to donate one dollar from everyone Strawberry Slam Recovery Shake sold during the month of October.

Watch Saturday's participants in action:

To Better Serve Our Members...
we ask that if you schedule for any session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable to attend please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend. And if you are planning on attending a session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure to schedule in advance so that we are able to have a coach ready for you and space in the session.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fish Oil & Omega-3

Lately we've been getting many questions about fish oil and more specifically omega-3 fatty acids. While we believe that everyone should be taking a fish oil supplement due to it's numerous health benefits, there are a few things to consider when looking for an Omega-3 Fish Oil supplement.

Total Omega-3 Amount
Research has shown that to receive the benefits of fish oil you need to be taking a supplement that contains at least 1000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, however the benefits are more specifically seen from the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid & docosahexaenoic acid...I know you were dying to know what those letters stood for). EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids that your body needs but cannot produce on its own. So, you need to make sure the supplement you are taking contains at least a combined total of 1000 mg of these two fatty acids.

Gel Cap or Liquid
Next question, should you be taking fish oil in gel cap or liquid form? It really doesn't matter, we prefer gel caps over liquid for the main reason that a big scoop of liquid fish fat just doesn't sound all that appetizing.

What Time of Day?
Again, this really doesn't matter and is more a matter of personal preference. We do recommend that whenever you take it that you take your full daily dose all at the same time rather than splitting it up throughout the day, because you will get busy and forget.

Vitamin D?
Many fish oils come with Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) added. Is this right for you? Well, it depends how much natural sunlight to you get on a daily basis? If you live in the northeast, like us, it's probably a good idea to take a fish oil supplement with Vitamin D through the winter months. During the summer months, or if you are privileged enough to live somewhere that has sun year round, you probably don't need the Vitamin D. Just make sure you get outside in the sun a little each day and your body will make its own Vitamin D. If you are taking a Vitamin D supplement currently check with your doctor first before taking fish oil with Vitamin D added.

Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratio Balance
Some fish oils come with fancy sounding name like Ultra Omega-3,6,9 or Complete and use clever marketing to make it sound like getting three different types of omega fatty acids is better. The truth is this is just fancy marketing designed to get you to dig a little deeper into you pocket and buy a more expensive version. By adding Omega-6 fatty acids to your supplement you can actually hinder the benefits of Omega-3, especially if you are taking the fish oil to help with inflammation. You see Omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory and Omega-3's are anti-inflammatory. While Omega-6's are beneficial when we are fighting an infection or injured they are not something that we want a high amount of in our system because they will cause more inflammation, which can lead to health problems.

On a side note, we want to have an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of ideally 1:1, but our body can function well at 4:1. The average American has a ratio of between 10:1 and 20:1 and is chronically, systemically inflamed. Adding Omega-3's will help to improve your ratio, but as long as the supplement you choose doesn't contain Omega-6's. If this is the case they may just offset each other. To improve your ratio even further the removal of grains from you diet, which is why the average Americans ratio is as high as it is, will help to get you closer to a 1:1 ratio.

Hopefully this answers some of your questions. Please feel free to post your questions and comments.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Defined Fitness Tip of the Week - ViPR Cylinder Lift

This week we have another exercise with the ViPR, the Cylinder Lift.

We Change Lives!

Steeler Fridays Are Back!!  Every Friday through football season remember to wear your Steeler gear (or other favorite team) when you come to workout.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - during the entire month of October we will be donating one dollar for every Strawberry Slam Recovery Shake sold. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Workout - Saturday October 20th at 9:15 a.m. we will be heading outside to our parking lot for an outside workout to raise money for the fight against breast cancer. This workout is open to both members and nonmembers, all we ask is that you make a donation. See you then!

To Better Serve Our Members...
we ask that if you schedule for any session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable to attend please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend. And if you are planning on attending a session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure to schedule in advance so that we are able to have a coach ready for you and space in the session.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Get Fit and Fight"

Defined Fitness is hosting and outdoor workout (weather permitting) free and open to members and guests. All we ask is that you make a donation for the Fight Against Breast Cancer.

When: Saturday, October 20th at 9:15 a.m.

Open to anyone, you do not have to be a member to attend!

All proceeds go to the Fight Against Breast Cancer.

Also, the entire month of October we will be donating a dollar for every Strawberry Slam Recovery Shake purchased.
We Change Lives!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Defined FItness Tip of the Week - Battling Rope Finisher

This week we look at one of our favorite Finishers, the Battling Ropes. At the end of each workout we like to get in a couple of minutes of conditioning work where the goal is to get the heart rate up and work as hard as possible and then rest and repeat. 

We Change Lives!

Steeler Fridays Are Back!!  Every Friday through football season remember to wear your Steeler gear (or other favorite team) when you come to workout.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - during the entire month of October we will be donating one dollar for every Strawberry Slam Recovery Shake sold.

To Better Serve Our Members...
we ask that if you schedule for any session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable to attend please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend. And if you are planning on attending a session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure to schedule in advance so that we are able to have a coach ready for you and space in the session.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tip of the Week - TRX Rip Trainer Chops

The TRX Rip Trainer is the newest addition to our arsenal of fitness tools here at Defined Fitness and this week we take a look at three different Rip Trainer Chops.

Watch here:

Steeler Fridays Are Back!!  Every Friday through football season remember to wear your Steeler gear (or other favorite team) when you come to workout.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - during the entire month of October we will be donating one dollar for every Strawberry Slam Recovery Shake sold.

To Better Serve Our Members...
we ask that if you schedule for any session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable to attend please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend. And if you are planning on attending a session (group, small group, or customized) please make sure to schedule in advance so that we are able to have a coach ready for you and space in the session.