Thursday, July 14, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results #43: Americans Continue To Get Fatter

An article ran last week on MSN stating that the latest pull has shown that Americans are continuing to get fatter each year. Not a big surprise when you look at our daily eating and exercise habits. We don't move nearly as much as we used to. Our jobs today require us to sit at a desk all day rarely getting up to move around and then we scarf down a burger and fries from the closest fast food restaurant at lunch, maybe dinner too.

Read the full article here by clicking here.

So what can you do to make sure you don't become one of the many Americans who continues to gain fat each year. Incorporating the following 3 tips will ensure that you are on the right path towards dropping fat and going in the right direction.

1. Eat frequently, about every 3 hours.
2. Eat foods that are in their most natural state. We live in a prepackaged, ready-to-eat world unfortunately these types of foods provide little nutritional value and are loaded with calories.
3. Exercise. Only about 15% of the population currently workouts out regularly, that's horribly low. Aim for 3-4 days a week of weight training and then some other type of activity (jogging, basketball, tennis, walking the dog) on the other days.

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