Friday, July 8, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results #41: Fitness Challenge Day July 16th

Saturday, July 16th we will be having our first ever Fitness Challenge to benefit Lift Strong and help fight Leukemia and Lymphoma. We will kickoff the day with our 9:15 a.m. Metabolic Group Class, bring your friends and family to join you at no charge for the day.

Then, at 10 a.m. we will start the Fitness Challenge. All participants will be put through 5 exercises for a minute each, with a minute rest in between. Reps will be recorded for each exercise. At the end all of the reps you scored will be totaled and who ever has the most wins a Free Recovery Shake!

Fitness Challenge Exercises:
1. Rope Slams
2. Push Ups
3. Squat Jumps
4. TRX Rows
5. Medicine Ball Slams

Click here to see all exercises:

Also, all participants in the challenge will receive a Lift Strong T-Shirt, Water bottle, and wrist band. Donations will also be collected for Lift Strong during the day.

See you all there!

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