Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results #39

Today's blog comes from Dr. Chris and Kara Mohr, nutrition experts, you can check out their blog here.

The 10 Commandments of Fat Loss (I’d suggest printing this as a daily reminder).

  1. Thou Shalt Plan Ahead. It’s a no brainer – to be successful in any area of life, including fat loss, you must plan ahead.
  2. Thou Shalt Eat Clean 90% of the Time. This weekend we broke this "Commandment." But you know what, it was part of our 10%. The key is not that we enjoyed some cake (something people think we would NEVER touch) … the key is that we got right back to normal with the first meal this morning. Eating cake, desserts, etc is fine … occasionally … as long as you bounce right back immediately after and get back to "normal." Those types of foods become an issue when they’re more than "once in awhile" foods. To make this more straightforward, if you eat 4 meals per day, 7 days/week that’s 28 total meals. 90% of 28 means 25ish meals are great choices and it leaves room for about 3 not so great meals.
  3. Thou Shalt Eat Breakfast Daily. Simple. Straightforward, but a MUST to lose fat, preserve muscle, and maintain the fat loss. The key is making the right choices, which means a lean protein, some fruit and/or veggies (see #6 and 9)
  4. Thou Shalt Eat Protein with EVERY Meal & Snack. Protein helps fill you. Protein helps you repair and recover from exercise. Replacing junky carbs (white bread, sugar, cookies, pastries, etc) with lean protein is smart for permanent fat loss.
  5. Thou Shalt Lift Weights. Let’s face it — if you to get in the best shape of your life, you MUST include some type of resistance training. Cardio won’t cut it so if you’re running or walking for exercise and think that will transform your body, it won’t. Maybe to you that means body weight training. Fine. You can certainly challenge yourself with the TRX like we do daily.
  6. Thou Shalt Eat Veggies with Each Meal. Most people think you can only eat veggies at night … if at all. Wrong. Mix them into eggs like I do in this healthy breakfast video, add some to a wrap for lunch, use a wide variety for the base of your salads AND at dinner. Not many foods in the diet provide more bang for your buck than veggies.
  7. Thou Shalt Not Eat Cereal with Cartoons on the Box. So while the "2nd Commandment" says to eat breakfast daily, it doesn’t mean eating sugar filled junk … and that’s exactly what the "cartoon on the box" cereals are so avoid ‘em like the plague.
  8. Thou Shalt Move Daily. While this may sound the same as the "4th Commandment" it’s not … this is in addition to training with weights. Lifting weights is great, but let’s say you do that for 60 minutes per day (and that would even be pushing it for most people). What are you doing the other 23 hours? Usually sitting … all day at the office, all night in front of the TV. If this is you, you’re an active couch potato. Move as much as possible. Take a walk at lunch time for half your break. Get out after work, take the kids to the park, etc. Just move. As much as possible.
  9. Thou Shalt Eat Fruit with Each Meal. We often hear that fruit has too much sugar or certain fruits are off limits. Couldn’t be further from the truth. No one became overweight from eating too many fruits. The more colors you eat, the better, so mix in a nice variety of dark colored fruits regularly).
  10. Thou Shalt Only Eat Ingredients You Can Pronounce. This means eating less packaged foods. We had cake this weekend. Kara made it. From scratch. And it was a pretty nice looking Elmo, if I say so myself! This even goes for "energy" bars, shakes, or other pseudo health foods (yes, even the organic ones) that have a laundry list of ingredients.
Dr. Christopher Mohr, PhD RD is a nutrition spokesperson and consultant to a number of media outlets and corporations including the Discovery Health Channel, The Dairy Council, Clif Bar, and Nordic Naturals. He is a consulting Sports Nutritionist for the Cincinnati Bengals and is also the Sports Nutritionist for Under Armour’s TNP Training Council. Through his company Mohr Results, Inc., he works with all types of individuals from soccer moms to collegiate and professional athletes. He often appears on TV as a nutritional guest expert, including an appearance with Chef Emeril Lagasse and another on the Montel Williams Show. He was the nutrition expert for the NY Times Bestseller, "LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout” and worked closely with Fitness Celebrity Denise Austin to create the entire nutrition component of her latest book. He is on the Advisory Board for Men’s Fitness Magazine and has written over 500 articles for consumer publications, such asMen’s Fitness, Weight Watchers, Men’s Health and Fitness, to name a few. Dr. Mohr has Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Nutrition from The Pennsylvania State University and University of Massachusetts, respectively. He earned his PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Pittsburgh and is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. To contact Chris, email him at

Dr. Kara Mohr, PhD, is an internationally known educator in the area of weight loss, behavior change, and exercise and is co-owner of Mohr Results, Inc. Prior to Mohr Results, Dr. Mohr was an assistant professor at the University of Louisville, and was the Assistant Director of the Physical Activity & Weight Management Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh. She has lectured internationally on the topic of behavior change and permanent weight loss, and is a regularly sought after expert source by national publications including the New York Times, Fitness, Health, Self, and more. Dr. Mohr has been working in the area of weight control research for the past seven years and was named one of the top weight loss doctors in the country by Prevention Magazine. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University, and a Master of Science and PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Pittsburgh. To contact Kara, email her


Sell Your Friends For Cash - Refer 2 new trial members in the month of June and receive a spa package from Above All Grand Salon and Spa includes: 1/2 massage, 1/2 facial, spa manicure, mini pedicure. Ends June 30th!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 38: Great Article on Calories from Men's Health

This month's Men's Health magazine had a great article titled "The Truth About Calories".

Sell Your Friends For Cash!! Refer two new trial members in the month of June and receive a spa package from Above All Grand Salon & Spa includes: 1/2 hr massage, 1/2 hr facial, mini pedicure, and spa manicure. Ends June 30th.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 36: Are You Moving Closer to Your Goals?

Is what you're doing today moving you closer to your goal?

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds. Have you worked out today? Have you eaten nutritious foods? Or did you skip your workout and get dinner at the drive thru window?

The decisions you make today will affect your future outcomes.

Think of each day as the Hot & Cold game you used to play as a kid. You remember, a friend would hide something and then the you'd start looking for it and they would tell you if you were getting "hotter" or "colder."

Think of every decision you make each day as getting you "hotter" or "colder" towards reaching that goal of dropping the 1o pounds. If you're what your doing isn't getting you closer change it and make a decision that will get you closer to your goal.

Did You Know? The body you have today is the product of what you ate 3-6 months ago. That is because about every 90-180 days your body regenerates all of it's cells. So what you are doing today will not begin to really show changes until 3-6 months later!

Sell Your Friends For Cash!! Refer 2 new trial members in the month of June and receive a spa package from Above All Grand Salon includes: 1/2 hour massage, 1/2 hour facial, mini pedecure, and spa manicure.

10 Day Fat Loss Challenge!! Drop 5 pounds by the 4th of July. Free for all members, all you have to do is register at the front desk.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 36: Upcoming Events!!

June 2011 Events

Luau Party, June 21st
Celebrate the 1st Day of Summer with us at Defined Fitness! Friends and Family are welcome to join you at either our morning or afternoon class, or even both. As a thank you to our members and their guests we will be giving away a free Hawaiian Harvest Recovery Shake to anyone who attends.

10 Day Fat Loss Challenge, Starts June 22nd
Get ready for your 4th of July BBQ, by dropping 5 pounds in 10 days! Were going to give you a ten day nutrition plan along with a specific fitness plan designed to reduce body fat and get you 5 pounds leaner in only 10 days. Free for all members, all you need to do is sign up at the front desk and we'll get you the materials on the 22nd.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 35: Core Training

Here is a link to a good article about why we don't do crunches and instead focus on stabilizing the core in order to strengthen it.

Sell Your Friends For Cash!! Refer 2 new trial members in the month of June and receive a spa package from Above All Grand Salon includes: a 1/2 hr. massage, 1/2 hr. facial, mini pedicure, spa manicure. Ends June 30th.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 34: "Sell Your Friends For Cash" Referral Promo

Check out our new Guest Referral Contest:

"Sell Your Friends For Cash"

During the month of June refer 2 new Trial Members and receive a spa package from Above All Grand Salon includes:
- 1/2 hour massage
- 1/2 hour facial
- mini pedicure
- spa manicure

ENDS JUNE 30th, 2011!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 34: Nutrition Refresher

There has been a lot of questions regarding nutrition and fat loss lately, so we thought we'd give you a quick refresher.

First, when it comes to fat loss their is a hierarchy of effectiveness that must be approached in this order to achieve results.

Hierarchy Fat Loss
1. Nutrition - it all starts here, if your nutrition is not spot on 90% of the time it is near impossible to see results. Basically, it all becomes like playing the lottery, there is slight chance you may win, but 99.9% of the time your not.

2. Nutrition - yes it's that important! 80% of results is nutrition.

3. Resistance Training/Metabolic Interval Training - you can't out exercise bad nutrition, but once the eating side is on resistance training with some metabolic interval training is the most effective form of exercise for fat loss and to change the way your body looks. (4 times per week)

4. Low Intensity Interval Training - after 4 days of Resistance Training/Metabolic Interval Training has been done, next on the list is Low Intensity Interval Training. This is basically 30-40 minutes of extended cardio activities done at varying paces, but not at maximal capacity.

5. Steady-State Cardio Training - last on the list is Steady-State Cardio Training, unfortunately this is were most people start, but is least effective to lose fat and change your body. High amounts of this activity will actually slow your metabolism and cause you to gain fat over time. Therefore, this should not be done if you are not getting in 4 Resistance Training/Metabolic Interval Workouts per workout.

Composition of a Meal:
Ok now on to nutrition. You need to each 5-6 meals per day, every 2.5-3 hours, in order to keep your metabolism running high and burning fat. Eating less frequently causes your metabolism to slow and your next meal to be stored as fat. Each meal you eat needs to follow 6 simple guidelines:
1. Include a Protein

2. Include a vegetable or a fruit

3. Include a glass of water

4. Only include a starch if it's at Breakfast or within 2 hours of completing your workout.

5. Drink a Recovery Shake immediately after each workout. This will provide your body with the nutrients needed to build and repair muscle and keep the metabolism running high. If your body is not provided with these nutrients it needs after the workout it will go to the muscle tissue to get them and use the muscle for energy slowing the metabolism.

6. Eat real foods and stay away from processed and packaged foods.

Have a great weekend!