Thursday, May 26, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip for Results 33: Memorial Day Metabolic Workout

This weekend marks the beginning of summer! And with it being Memorial Day we will be closed Saturday and Monday. However, you can still get in a great workout! We have put together a 20 minute workout that only requires your body weight and you can do anywhere.

Memorial Day Metabolic Workout
1. Bird Dogs and Push - 30 seconds
2. Squats and Squat Jumps - 30 seconds
3. Plank - 30 seconds
4. Reverse Lunge and High Knees - 30 seconds
5. Burpees - 30 seconds
* Rest 10 seconds between each exercise and repeat for 5-6 rounds.

Watch the video of the workout here:

Good Luck and Have a Great Weekend!

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