Thursday, April 14, 2016

Is Sleep Your Missing Link?

If you are struggling to see results, whether it is weight loss or muscle gain, it is not a matter of needing to workout and diet more. It is probably because you are sleep deprived. Most of us are.

Ask yourself, "When was the last time you got a solid eight hours? When was the last time you did that regularly?"

During the hours spent asleep is when all the good stuff happens in your body. Cells repair and regenerate. Hormones function better. Aches and pains lessen when you get adequate sleep. And changes in the body's appearance happen easier.

This is not to say that sleep is the entire answer, but it could be a missing link and the reason you are seeing limited results.

Not everyone has an easy time sleeping or staying asleep. But there some things you can do to help improve the quality of the sleep you get.

#1. Allow yourself the opportunity to get a full 8 hours.
#2. The hours spent asleep before midnight seem to make a bigger difference than the hours spent asleep after midnight.
#3. Put down the iPad, iPhone, and shut off the TV at least a half hour before your go to bed. The light from these devices stimulates the brain and triggers a wake up response. If you need something to do to relax before bed, read a book. Preferably, one that isn't too interesting.
#4. Do not eat and then immediately go to bed.
#5. Keep your bedroom cool. 68 degrees seems to be the sweet spot.
#6. Keep your room quiet and dark, free of artificial light.
#7. Avoid alcohol before going to bed.
#8. Cut back on caffeine.
#9. There is no research on this, but numerous people seem to sleep better when they take their daily fish oil before going to bed.

Everyone can run on less sleep for a while, but it will catch up to you eventually and take a toll on your physical health.

Some signs that it is catching up to you are:
#1. Waking up tired.
#2. Increased irritability.
#3. Having trouble concentrating.
#4. Forgetfulness.
#5. Decline in job performance.
#6. Sleeping through your alarm.
#7. Making poor decisions.
#8. Lack of motivation.
#9. Stiff and achey joints.
#10. Frequently sick or not feeling well.
#11. You are not recovering as quickly from your workouts.
#12. Your strength is decreasing.
#13. Your gaining fat and losing muscle.

Get your sleep! It will make a difference in the person you are.

For more on Sleep pick up a copy of the book "A Goodnights Sleep."
We Change Lives!

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