Thursday, October 22, 2015

Improve Your Posture With One Move

We are a society of sitters. In fact, it has recently been said that sitting is going to be the health crisis of this generation. Meaning that prolonged sitting has the same negative health consequences as smoking. All this sitting each day leads to poor posture and muscular imbalances, which leads to pain and injuries. Our society has now developed what is know as the "sitters posture" - rounded, hunched shoulders, tight pecs, weak backs, tight hamstrings, weak core, and weak glutes. Or the reverse Darwin as shown below.

However, this can be overcome with one simple exercise done few times each week in your workout. What is this mysterious exercise? It's called...The Kettlebell Swing.

This simple exercise targets all of the muscles of your posterior chain...the ones that are weak and causes your poor posture. A few times each week in addition to your current training and your posture will improve. Give it a try!

KDKA-TV Turkey Fund 

The KDKA-TV Turkey Fund has provided holiday meals to more than a million families. Just $15.00 can give a struggling family the means to gather and share a meal with loved ones.

PNC will continue to support the KDKA-TV Turkey Fund through collection in all PNC branches. Any donation of $50 or more made in the branch will be matched by PNC up to $50,000. All the money raised will be distributed throughout the KDKA-TV viewing area — including Allegheny and 11 surrounding counties — through the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The Food Bank relies on its partners and community to help carry out its mission. In tough times, even people with little to share show their concern about hunger with food drives, volunteer hours, and financial gifts.

Pittsburgh North Fitness will be collecting donations to help aid in the Turkey Fund hosted by KDKA. Help a family in need in your surrounding area, possibly even a neighbor. We will be accepting donations until 11/21/2015 to ensure we are able to send in donations promptly before Thanksgiving to make a difference for family in needs holiday! 


Halloween Hustle 
Be sure to sign-up for our 3rd annual Mad Mex Party and Fundraiser to benefit the NOCC.

PNF invites all members, family and friends to join us at Mad Mex in Cranberry Twp to raise money for the NOCC (National Ovarian Cancer Coalition). Join us for food, drinks and fun. 

We are asking for everyone to sign-up themselves and their guest so we have a head count for food. Also, we are asking a donation of $25 per person to attend. Proceeds to benefit the NOCC. 

We will have a few baskets for a raffle again this year as well as a 50/50 and baked goods for sale. Last year we raised $2700 our goal is $3,000 this year!

We look forward to seeing you all there!  
Saturday November 7th at Mad Mex Cranberry : Event starts at 12pm - 4pm

It's Almost Here!! 
We are just as excited as you are to move in to our new home! 6,400 square feet of pure awesomeness!!
We Change Lives!

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