Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sleep More To Lose Fat

Is it possible that a lack of sleep could be negatively affecting your weight loss goals? Or even making you fat? According recent research this seems to be exactly the case.

At the University of Chicago’s General Clinical Resource Center researchers followed 10 overweight, but healthy participants aged 35 to 49 who according to body mass index were considered overweight. The participants where given an individualized, balanced diet that reduced their calories by 10% of what was needed to maintain their weight without exercise (roughly 1,450 calories per day).

Each participant was studied twice: the first time studied participants sleep on average 7.5 hours over a fourteen day period, the second time for only 5.5 hours over a fourteen day period. 

The researchers found that when sleeping less it reduced the participants fat loss by 55%. When participants got adequate sleep they also found that their ghrelin levels were lower. High ghrelin levels reduce energy expenditure, increase hunger and promote fat retention.

In conjunction with Stanford University the University of Chicago took this a step farther by then looking at the leptin (leptin sends a signal to your brain telling it you are full) and ghrelin levels in 12 healthy men after being subjected to two days of adequate sleep and two days of sleep deprivation. They found that when sleep was restricted leptin levels went down and ghrelin levels went up. Thus, resulting in increased appetites and an inability to get full. They also found that the participants had an increased craving for high carbohydrate, calorie dense food.

Standard and the University of Wisconsin then took this even a step farther. They had 1,000 volunteers report the number of hours they slept each night. Then measured their leptin and ghrelin levels and charted their weight. Not surprisingly they found that those who slept less had lower leptin levels, higher ghrelin levels, weighted more, and had a higher level of body fat.

If you’ve been dieting and exercising, but having trouble losing weight or not happy with your progress check you sleep. We each need between 7-8 hours a night. Even if you sleep less and don’t think you need it you probably do. Many of us are used to functioning with a lack of sleep that we no longer remember what it feels like to be fully rested and recharged. Sometimes we just don’t know how bad we felt until we feel good again.

#MondayMotivation at Chelsea Collective
Monday, November 2nd at 7 pm Josh and Tammy will be hosting a workout at Chelsea Collective in the Ross Park Mall. Come out for a great workout and check out all of their great women's fitness apparel. 

Register for the event here:

Halloween Hustle Party 2015!
Come and hang out with your PNF family Saturday, November 2nd from 12-4 pm at Mad Mex in Cranberry, Twp. We will have food, raffles, 50/50, and of course lots of fun. We will also be raising money for the NOCC (National Ovarian Cancer Coalition). Hope to see you there! $25 donation per person to attend.

PNF Customized Nutrition
We are excited to announce that we will now be offering Customized Nutrition Programs at Pittsburgh North Fitness. This will include:

  • An individualized nutrition plan
  • Body composition measurements 
  • 3 follow up meetings
  • Cost $99

Schedule yours today!
We Change Lives!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Improve Your Posture With One Move

We are a society of sitters. In fact, it has recently been said that sitting is going to be the health crisis of this generation. Meaning that prolonged sitting has the same negative health consequences as smoking. All this sitting each day leads to poor posture and muscular imbalances, which leads to pain and injuries. Our society has now developed what is know as the "sitters posture" - rounded, hunched shoulders, tight pecs, weak backs, tight hamstrings, weak core, and weak glutes. Or the reverse Darwin as shown below.

However, this can be overcome with one simple exercise done few times each week in your workout. What is this mysterious exercise? It's called...The Kettlebell Swing.

This simple exercise targets all of the muscles of your posterior chain...the ones that are weak and causes your poor posture. A few times each week in addition to your current training and your posture will improve. Give it a try!

KDKA-TV Turkey Fund 

The KDKA-TV Turkey Fund has provided holiday meals to more than a million families. Just $15.00 can give a struggling family the means to gather and share a meal with loved ones.

PNC will continue to support the KDKA-TV Turkey Fund through collection in all PNC branches. Any donation of $50 or more made in the branch will be matched by PNC up to $50,000. All the money raised will be distributed throughout the KDKA-TV viewing area — including Allegheny and 11 surrounding counties — through the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The Food Bank relies on its partners and community to help carry out its mission. In tough times, even people with little to share show their concern about hunger with food drives, volunteer hours, and financial gifts.

Pittsburgh North Fitness will be collecting donations to help aid in the Turkey Fund hosted by KDKA. Help a family in need in your surrounding area, possibly even a neighbor. We will be accepting donations until 11/21/2015 to ensure we are able to send in donations promptly before Thanksgiving to make a difference for family in needs holiday! 


Halloween Hustle 
Be sure to sign-up for our 3rd annual Mad Mex Party and Fundraiser to benefit the NOCC.

PNF invites all members, family and friends to join us at Mad Mex in Cranberry Twp to raise money for the NOCC (National Ovarian Cancer Coalition). Join us for food, drinks and fun. 

We are asking for everyone to sign-up themselves and their guest so we have a head count for food. Also, we are asking a donation of $25 per person to attend. Proceeds to benefit the NOCC. 

We will have a few baskets for a raffle again this year as well as a 50/50 and baked goods for sale. Last year we raised $2700 our goal is $3,000 this year!

We look forward to seeing you all there!  
Saturday November 7th at Mad Mex Cranberry : Event starts at 12pm - 4pm

It's Almost Here!! 
We are just as excited as you are to move in to our new home! 6,400 square feet of pure awesomeness!!
We Change Lives!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Why Your Workout Doesn't Work Anymore

Have you hit a plateau? Are you still using the same old workout that got you results 10 years ago? Do you jump from one program to the next without ever finishing the program?

Assuming you are actually still doing the your program, whatever it may be, let’s look at why your workout isn't working... 

  1. Nutrition. If your nutrition is lacking so will your results. Nutrition is the basis for 80% of any results you see. Step up your nutrition and results will come.
  2. Change It Up. Even the best program will fail to produce results after about 4 weeks. In order for your workout to be successful you need to change exercise selection, rep range, and number of sets about every 4 weeks. However, avoid the urge of making a complete overhaul to your program. Subtle changes are all you need. 
  3. Increase Weight. Continuing to lift those little vinyl color coated dumbbells that you started with on day one is another reason why your program no longer works. What was challenging for your body to lift 3 months ago is not challenging now. You must increase the weight you lift regularly to keep challenging your body and continue to promote muscle growth, which will promote fat loss.
  4. Multi-Joint. 100 reps on the inner/out thigh machine may give you a cheap thrill, but it won’t do anything for your hips, thighs, or butt. If you’re looking to slim your thighs, and/or tighten your butt you need to be doing multi-joint exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges. This type of exercise will demand more from your body and burn the fat off the areas your looking to improve. As an added bonus they are the exercises that will add muscle definition to your entire body.
  5. Create The Right Environment. You need to create the appropriate environment in your body for your goal. If you are looking to lose fat you need to create a caloric deficit in your body through exercise and eating less. On top of your nutrition you also need to create the right physical demand on your body through training. Sticking with fat loss as the goal you will want to create a higher metabolic demand on your body, that is more intense than if you are trying to gain size.
  6. Changing Because You’re Bored. P90X last month, Zumba this month, and kettle bells next month. What ever is hot and trendy you’re on it. Frequently skipping around from one program to another can also be the reason why you are not seeing results. If you can resist the urge to try the trend of the month and stick with one program for 12 months you will see the best results and get the most out of the program.
  7. Stop The Treadmill. If you are spending hours each week on the treadmill you are telling your body I want to be fat and gain more fat. Continuous daily cardio workouts have been shown to slow down your body’s metabolism and result in you gaining weight. Exchange a couple days of cardio for strength training and you will begin to see results again.
  8. Frequency. The majority of people need to spend 3-4 days per week working out for 45 per session.

By incorporating these 8 tips you will be on you’re way to seeing results every month and getting closer to your goal.

PNF Customized Nutrition
We are excited to announce that we will now be offering Customized Nutrition Programs at Pittsburgh North Fitness. This will include:
  • An individualized nutrition plan
  • Body composition measurements 
  • 3 follow up meetings
  • Cost $99
Schedule yours today!

Halloween Hustle
Our 3rd Annual Halloween Hustle is under way. If you'd like to participate let us know and we'll get you set up. If you currently have a MyZone Heart Rate Monitor you were sent an invite to your email account, if you didn't receive it check you spam folder. If you don't have a monitor but would like to participate you can do that as well.

PNF represented last weekend at the Pittsburgh Spartan Race. Great job guys!

We Change Lives!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

PNF Customized Nutrition

We are excited to announce that we will now be offering Customized Nutrition Programs at Pittsburgh North Fitness. This will include:
  • An individualized nutrition plan
  • Body composition measurements 
  • 3 follow up meetings
  • Cost $99
Schedule yours today!

Functional Recovery Class
During the month of October we will be previewing our new Functional Recovery Class. This class will focus on stretching, mobility, movement prep, and helping your body move better. Session times are Wednesdays at 6 pm and Thursdays at 10 am. Reserve your spot today at the front desk.

Halloween Hustle
Our 3rd Annual Halloween Hustle is under way. If you'd like to participate let us know and we'll get you set up. If you currently have a MyZone Heart Rate Monitor you were sent an invite to your email account, if you didn't receive it check you spam folder. If you don't have a monitor but would like to participate you can do that as well.

September "Frequent Sweaters" - 10+ visits
Sharon Sippel
Deborah Hessinger
Julie McMinn
Amy Pusateri
Vicki Rothermel
Jeff Woods
Mary Beth Marchionda
Kerry Jurecko
Susann Enica
Joyce McGuirk
Judy Robison
Eleanor Sargent
Rick Macklin
Gretchen McNaughton
Jude Ince
Ken Ross
Barb Bain
Angelina Donatelli
Gill Carr
Joe Valenza
Nancy Baime
Frank Zappala
Leanna Hart
Paul Pusateri
Paula Heinricher
Nicole Gilley
Ann Valcarcel
Kim Lamana
Lori Ross
Claire Hartman
David Goldstein
Mary Lou Shenot
Sheryl Simon
Patti Hasselbusch

MyZone MEP Club
1000 MEP Club
Claire Hartman
Deanne Braksator
Mark Paulson
Michael Sulkoske
Marianne Salzman
Amy Pusateri
Chris McCuen
Greg Muiter
David Goldstein

2000 MEP Club
Judy Robison
Gretchen McNaughton
Paul Pusateri
Deborah Hessinger
Melanie West

3000 MEP Club
Mary Lou Shenot

4000 MEP Club
Lori Ross

PNF October Birthdays!!
10/1 Nicole Gilley
10/5 Mary Beth Marchionda
10/8 Christi Eyler
10/8 Joyce McGuirk
10/9 Cindy Bartoszewicz
10/13 Polly Nicola
10/17 Robin Jimerson
10/19 Julianne Schlueb
10/19 Kathy Weber-Clark
10/23 Judy McDonough
10/25 Mark Paulson
10/29 Sara Rinaldo

We Change Lives!