Thursday, April 30, 2015

Easy Bake Fitness

Everyone makes fitness and weight loss seem harder than it is. There are the TV infomercials shouting the latest scientific breakthrough. Claiming that if you don't have their gadget you wont have abs. Then you have the tabloids with their extreme celebrity diets. And of course, you can't forget to mention the biggest loser, which shows extremely overweight people working out for 8+ hours a day to lose weight. While the show may inspire some to get off the couch, which by the way they are sitting on while they watch the show, it makes many more feel like big losers because they can't dedicate that same amount of time to fitness and weight loss and/or don't lose 20 pounds in a week. 

What you need realize is that fitness and weight loss is a simple recipe that starts with nutrition and ends with consistency and patience.

So what is this simple recipe?

1. Nutrition - This is the most important ingredient. Clean up your eating and watch the weight drop off, continue eating the same and you'll struggle to shed even a couple pounds. Too many people make nutrition harder than it has to be and get caught up in small details. You don't have to pair foods, or if you eat this you must eat that or you can't have that. All these claims are bogus and only make for good headlines. It really is as simple as eliminating processed foods. If you can't slice if off an animal or pick it from nature you probably shouldn't eat it. 

2. Strength Training - Research has shown that strength training 3-4 days per week for 45 minutes is the most effective way to lose body fat and change your body.

3. Interval Training - Additionally, research has also shown that interval training results in 9 times more fat loss than steady state cardio.

4. Post-Workout Protein Shake - If there is one thing you could do to get better results it is to drink a protein shake immediately post work out. Your results aren't gained in your workout, they are gained by how well you recover in between workouts and this all starts with what you put in your body immediately after your workout.

5. Consistency & Patience - This is the hardest part. You didn't gain the weight and get out of shape in a week or a couple of months. Weight loss takes time, but with consistency and patience in a years time you can completely transform the body you see looking back at you in the mirror. 

So there you have it. Follow the recipe step by step and you will see results. If you change the recipe you will end up with something else and it probably won't come out right.


Home for the summer? Looking for a place to work out? Try Defined Fitness for only $69 a month. Your membership includes unlimited access to our Afterburn and Burn Zone Sessions, a new weekly workout and unlimited access to the facility Monday -Friday between the hours of 12-4 pm. Stop in or call today to get started. 724-934-2000.
*High School and College Students only. College students must present college I.D. Offer Valid May-August of 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Fat Loss Hierarchy

The Goal: Lose 10  Pounds of body fat in 4 weeks

If this was your goal you'd start with some light walking maybe 30 minutes each evening and slowly increase that to a jog for 40-60 minutes and in 4 weeks you'll be down 10 pounds right? 


Most likely you'll lose a pound or two and see very little difference in how your clothes fit. 

So what went wrong?

Well, first we need to understand the Fat Loss Hierarchy and that will explain why daily walking/jogging alone never works for fat loss.

The Fat Loss Hierarchy
1. Proper Nutrition- this is the most important part of any fat loss program. Without a proper nutrition program it is hard to see any fat loss from exercise.

2. See #1 yeah it's that important.

3. Activities that burn calories, maintain and promote muscle growth and increase metabolism- these activities are strength training and should make up the majority of your exercise routine. This is 3 hours of training each week.

4. Activities that burn calories and increase metabolism- this is where interval training comes in along with other metabolic conditioning types of exercise. This type of exercise should be done for up to 2 hours each week. Only after you you have gotten your 3 hours of strength training in.

5. Activities that burn calories- walking, jogging, running, elliptical, etc. These activities should only be done after you've done 3 hours of strength training and another 2 hours of interval training. At this point this is all your body is able to do without breaking itself down. 

As you can see cardio (walking/running) is fine to include in your fat loss program if you have more than 6 hours per week to dedicate to exercise. But, lets be realistic in today's world no one has that much time. Most of us only have about 3-4 hours each week to dedicate to working out.

So with that in mind we need to focus on eating right, and following a strength training program to get optimal fat loss results. 


Swim Suit Ready In 4 Weeks!! Don't forget Swim Suit people to schedule your week 2 meeting with a coach to go over your week 1 nutrition, sleep, water and workout logs. 

Also, if you are having issues with snacks, breakfast, motivation anything you are struggling with don't hesitate to go to the private swimsuit Facebook page and leave a post. Someone will respond back with a tip or suggestion you may have not thought of yourself. If you have not been invited to the group make sure you friend request Tammy Zubasic and let her know you were not added.  


We recently just added a new snack to our arsenal. These Chia Chargers are very clean (yes still somewhat processed but not horrible). They give you a little boost of natural energy and calm hunger cravings. Making them perfect if you are on the go and need a snack. They also workout well as pre-workout to give your workout an extra energy boost. It doesn't hurt either that they taste really good :)
We Change Lives!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Get Swim Suit Ready In 4 Weeks!!

Swim Suit Season Is Coming...Will You Be Ready?

Have you ever wished someone would follow you around and smack junk food out of your hand before you ate it? Be careful what you wish for!

Starting April 20th, join DF in a 4 week nutrition and accountability program that will include weekly weigh-ins and weekly meetings or phone calls with your assigned  coach. 

*Disclaimer this is not the end all be all to your current weight loss problems this will be a 4 week program where we will teach you how to plan meals, make smart decisions and coach you how to eat better. We are here to give you the tools and support you, but YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK. You must be willing to change your eating to see a change in your body. You will have to change some habits however uncomfortable they may be.  You must write down everything you eat and drink, and show it to your coach each week. They will call you out on the bad stuff you ate, the lack of sleep, or the lack of water but abundance of wine ;)

So if you are sick of not know how to plan a meal. Sick of killing yourself in the gym but not seeing the results you want. And are ready and willing to change this is the program for you. If you are willing to work hard to get your nutrition on point then for members the cost of the program is $49 and for non-members $179. For all non-members your program will include 4 small group personal training sessions and unlimited access to all team training.



Two things are absolutely necessary to be successful in any weight loss effort Exercise and Nutrition.

In regards to the nutrition aspect, you need to get out of the mindset of living to eat and start eating to live. Instead of coming home from an exhausting day and wondering what sounds good or what will make you feel better after a hard day, you need to stop and think; "What nutrients am I missing from what I have consumed so far today." 

Instead of walking into the restaurant and browsing the menu for what jumps out at you or what you are in the mood for, stop and think about what your body needs. Ask yourself; "Have I had enough vegetables for the day?" No? Then the grilled steak or chicken salad might be the best option (yes minus the fries, you know better).

The point here is to disconnect emotion from your eating. In a lame but effective comparison, imagine bringing your dream car home from the dealership. You take great care of your new car. You spend a lot of time and money on making sure the outside stays looking great, washing, waxing, and getting it detailed. But, you also need to make sure the engine is working well. Make sure there is sufficient gas, change the oil, check fluid levels, and rotate the tires to keep it running well. Without giving the car all the necessary items needed to make your car run efficiently your cars performance will decline dramatically over time.

Your body is similar to that scenario. If you do not give it enough gas (calories from food)  you will eventually run down. If you do not feed it the right calories (i.e., muscle building protein, healthy fats essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables and yes energy from healthy carbohydrates) your body will not run at peak performance either. 


Referral A Friend, Get A Reward!
If you refer a friend to DF during the month of April and they do a trial, you will receive your choice of a Free Shake or Two free Dotfit Bars as a thank you for your referral. 


Need a Speaker for your group or function?  DF is always available and looking opportunities to get out in the community and talk about fitness and nutrition. Just let us know when and where and we'll take care of the rest!
We Change Lives!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

You Don't Earn Food In The Gym

The idea of food as a reward is ingrained into our society. We use food as a reward to celebrate birthdays, holidays, accomplishments, death,etc. When did we create the mindset that we have to workout to earn our food instead of working out to simply be healthy? 

A typical though process goes something like this, "I went to the gym and had a killer workout. I even did an extra set with more weight. So I've earned a treat today, ice cream sounds good." Or, "I track my calories so I know how many cookies I can have later."

What happened to working out just to love how strong and powerful movements like Deadlifts and Kettlebell Swings make you feel.

Take the road less traveled to experience success in nutrition and exercise. That road starts in your mind, as well as your body. You need to get your head and your butt in gear. Clear thinking plus movement is the road of success, and it's time you get on that road. Nutrition and food are not a battle, but a way of life. You are not on a "diet". You are not a dog, you did not "earn" a cupcake by doing extra tricks at the gym. It is a lifestyle. A way of life by simply eating healthy.

So, reorder your thoughts. Earn your strength in the gym. You do not have to earn your food. Don't be a dog dancing for treats. You need to prioritize your mind and fuel your body to increase your performance. Instead of increasing your performance in order to fuel your body.
We Change Lives!

Need a Speaker for your group or function?  DF is always available and looking opportunities to get out in the community and talk about fitness and nutrition. Just let us know when and where and we'll take care of the rest!

The "Frequent Sweaters" for the month of March were:
Sue DePra, John Tillison, Tom DePra, Mary Ann Farell, Mary Eyler, Deborah Hessinger, Annette Cancelmi, Lisa Paulson, Kim Holman, Vicki Rothermel, Amy Pusateri, Chris McCuen, Eleanor Sargent, Nick Ince, Jude Ince, Judy Antimarino, Melanie West, Adrienne Rively, Andrea Morse, Terry Mosco, Debby Roble, Frank Zappala, Joyce McGuirk, Robin Jimerson, Patti Hasselbusch, Paula Heinricher, Kathy Weber Clark, Ann Valcarcel, Abigail Tillison, Kerry Schurman, Denny Allerton, Mary Lou Shenot, Ken Ross, Susann Enica, David Goldstein, Ann Miner, Lori Ross, Paul Pusateri, Kim Hays, Sheryl Simon, Barb Bain Congratulations guys on your 10+ visits!

Monthly MEP'ers - March 2013
1000 MEP Club - Lisa Paulson, Gretchen McNaughton, Robin Jimerson, Michael Doak, Amy Pusateri, Karen Laughrey, Mary Lou Shenot, David Goldstein, Patti Hasselbusch, Deborah Hessinger

2000 MEP Club - Chris McCuen, Paul Pusateri, Judy Antimarino, Kim Hays, Melanie West

3000 MEP Club -  Lori Ross

April Birthdays! Erica Zappala, Deanne Braksator, Latasha Wilson Batch, Beth Schall, Diane Staggers, Jayme Butcher, David Goldstein, Diane Marzula

DF's Shakes of the Month! Cadbury Creme Egg, Lemon Meringue Pie and Banana Cream Pie! Get yours before they are gone!