Incorporating the following 5 tips will help you to improve on your overall health.
1. Exercise Regularly- I mean actually exercise, walking and gardening do not count here. You need to work as hard as you can, but this is relevant to your fitness level. The best way to do this is by using strength training and interval training where you are able to push yourself a little more each workout.
2. Eat more fruits and veggies- Yes they may cost more, but they are packed full of nutrients that your body needs and are a low calorie option.
3. Avoid sugar like the plague- More and more research is showing how detrimental to our health sugar is. In fact, sugar has been shown to be as addictive as drugs and more harmful than alcohol, which is a sugar, but yet is consumed in mass quantities. And sugar is not just in candy and desserts, its found in bread, pasta, and juices too. However, sugar from fruit does not have the same effects because it is in its natural form. Just make sure you keep servings of fruit to 1-2 a day when trying to lose weight.
4. Avoid processed foods- "If it was made to sit on a shelf for years. It will sit on your hips and butt for just as long" Dan John.
5. De-stress- Take at least 10 minutes each day to relax and unwind. This could be done by reading, take a yoga class, talking with a significant other, watching a funny movie, or getting a massage. Basically anything that you enjoy and helps you relax will work.( And no having a drink or eating don't count, no matter how enjoyable or relaxing they may be)
For those of you who haven' t heard the good news! WE'RE MOVING! Its official DF will have a new home in the near future. We have signed a lease for a brand new 6,400 Sq Ft facility! Lots of new additions to come....stay tuned for more updates!
We Change Lives!
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