Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Happenings

Hello DF members fall is officially here and it is October! 

DF will be closed on Friday October 3rd between 12pm-4pm sorry for any inconvience

Rock Your Jeans people are gearing up to loose 2 jean sizes by Thanksgiving, Myzone Heart Rate Monitor people are trying to get their 3,000 MEPS in by November 1st and DF is planning a fabulous party to raise $1,000 for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition make sure you guys join us for some food, drinks and a good time where we will have a 50/50 raffle, and Chinese auction 

* We are putting together baskets and prizes for our Chinese auction but every little bit helps, if any of you have any time of services or products you would be willing to donate any little bit helps and would be greatly appreciate we would like to get together as many baskets and prizes as possible Thank you in advance your your generosity we hope to see you all at the party 

Dana W, Kathy W-C, Lynn W, Penny R Julianne S, Phyllis R, Lynn B, Mark P, John M, Joyce M, Eileen M, Akila M, Karen K, Deborah H, Robin J, Christi E.

Frequent sweaters! 10 Visits of more in the month of September way to stay on track guys and up that attendance after back to schoool
Jimerson, Robin
Oneill, Marian
Braksator, Deanne
Roble, Debby
Chapman, Melissa
Weber-Clark, Kathy
Enica, Susann
Madeya, Kathy
Ince, Jude
Pusateri, Paul
Hays, Kim
Hessinger, Deborah
Rothermel, Vicki
Rively, Adrienne
Rusbarsky, Mary Ann
Hutchison, Jan
Farell, Mary Ann
Berry, Marcie
Staniland, Diane
Zappala, Frank
McNaughton, Gretchen
Schurman, Kerry
Eyler, Mary
Hasselbusch, Patti
Pusateri, Amy
Eyler, Christine
Goldstein, David
Scanga, Carol
Calloway, Kelly
Crissinger, Debbie
Muiter, Greg
Ross, Ken
Shenot, Mary Lou
Valcarcel, Ann
Simon, Sheryl
Ross, Lori
Hawkins, Yvonne
West, Melanie
McCuen, Christine
Scott, Marci

Yummy shakes of the month are Pumpkin Spice Latte' less calories more health than starbucks ;) and Salted Caramel Apple get em before they are gone

DF would like to welcome our newest members from September 
Diane D, Melissa C, Cindy S, Ken R, Dana W, Maddie I, Karen K, Linda B Thank you guys for choosing us! We hope you love it here at DF

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