Does the thought of wearing a bathing suit make your feel less than comfortable? If so, incorporate the following three tips into your fitness routine to look your best this summer.
- Trade cardio for strength. Long, slow cardio isn't the most effective or efficient way to lose weight. Cardio only works if intensity is present, such as interval training. However, cardio doesn't have to be done on the treadmill. Cardio is any activity that increases your heart rate. By trading cardio for strength you will increase your metabolism greater, tone, tighten and trim up your body, and improve your cardio all at the same time.
- Focus on inches, not the weight. It’s easy to get focused on the weight on the scale, however muscle weighs more than fat. Yes, you’ve probably heard that a hundred times. Most people find that when they start a strength-training program like this that in the beginning the scale doesn’t move, but that their clothes start fitting better. This is good. What is happening is that they are adding muscle to their body at the same rate that they are losing body fat. This extra muscle will ramp up your metabolism causing you to burn more fat. Many people who start a diet or take up cardio with out strength training will see weight drop on the scale, but their body doesn’t really change. They just end up creating a smaller version of what they looked like.
- Take a 10 minute walk after dinner. Research has found that those who take a 10 minute walk after each meal, weigh less than those who don't. A great habit to get into is taking a 10-15 minute walk after dinner each night.
Do you want to look your best this summer and confidently wear your bathing suit?
Then, our 6-Week "Summer Swimsuit" Fitness Program is for you! This 6-week program will give you everything you need to look your best this summer, whether it's poolside, at the beach, or just in the backyard. The program includes: Unlimited Team Training, Unlimited Gym Access, 8 Recovery Shakes, DF T-Shirt, Weekly Measurements, and Fitness Journal. You get all this for only $129 (current DF members only pay $79). Call today to get registered 724-934-2000.
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