Thursday, August 29, 2013

Your Last Excuse Just Went Back To School!

You were going to start in January, but then got busy with other things and said that you would do it in the spring. 

Then spring got here and you told yourself that you would drop those 10 pounds before your vacation and look great in your bathing suit. 

But, then summer came and you found yourself busy running the kids ten different directions. 

Well, your last excuse has just gone back to school and now it's time to finally focus on yourself. After all, you've spent the first eight months of this year taking care of everyone else, isn't it time to do something for yourself?

Don't make any more excuses and start today! We are now offering a 30-Day Personal Training Experience membership that gives you the opportunity to try us out for 30 days and see how we can change your life! Call us today to get started 724-934-2000.

Our DF Team Is Growing!
We are excited to announce the addition of Bobby George to our team of fitness coaches here at DF. He comes here after just completing an Athletic Performance Internship at Western Carolina University. Prior to that he was a Graduate Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Salisbury University and coached the 2012 Men's National Championship Lacrosse team as well as the 2013 Men's Hurdle National Champion. So when you see him give him a warm welcome!

Like Us on Facebook! We are doing some really cool stuff over here and posting daily. So be sure to like us and check out what is going on.

4th Annual Rock Your Jeans Challenge - coming soon! Get ready to drop 2 jean sizes in 8 weeks. More details to come, so keep an eye out!

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