Thursday, August 29, 2013

Your Last Excuse Just Went Back To School!

You were going to start in January, but then got busy with other things and said that you would do it in the spring. 

Then spring got here and you told yourself that you would drop those 10 pounds before your vacation and look great in your bathing suit. 

But, then summer came and you found yourself busy running the kids ten different directions. 

Well, your last excuse has just gone back to school and now it's time to finally focus on yourself. After all, you've spent the first eight months of this year taking care of everyone else, isn't it time to do something for yourself?

Don't make any more excuses and start today! We are now offering a 30-Day Personal Training Experience membership that gives you the opportunity to try us out for 30 days and see how we can change your life! Call us today to get started 724-934-2000.

Our DF Team Is Growing!
We are excited to announce the addition of Bobby George to our team of fitness coaches here at DF. He comes here after just completing an Athletic Performance Internship at Western Carolina University. Prior to that he was a Graduate Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Salisbury University and coached the 2012 Men's National Championship Lacrosse team as well as the 2013 Men's Hurdle National Champion. So when you see him give him a warm welcome!

Like Us on Facebook! We are doing some really cool stuff over here and posting daily. So be sure to like us and check out what is going on.

4th Annual Rock Your Jeans Challenge - coming soon! Get ready to drop 2 jean sizes in 8 weeks. More details to come, so keep an eye out!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Zone Is Here!!

We are excited to announce that starting Monday, August 26th, 2013 we will begin using our latest addition to Defined Fitness: My Zone!

The My Zone system is designed as a heart rate monitoring system and tracks all of your exercise movement. 

Here is a brief summary of just a few things that it does.
  • Tracks heart rate and monitors how hard you are working.
  • Tells you when you have recovered from your last set and are ready to begin the next set.
  • Displays the percent max heart rate that you are working in.
  • After the completion of your workout My Zone will automatically email you the stats on your workout.
  • With the My Zone App you are able to track your food by simply taking a picture of what you are about to eat.
  • My Zone will help you set goals and monitor progress overtime.
  • You can also where you My Zone belt when you are not in the gym. Your belt will store up to 16 hours of exercise information. Then, when you come back into the club My Zone will automatically upload all of the exercise that you have done and email those stats to you as well.
  • We will also be incorporating some heart rate zone workouts into the mix using the My Zone system.
To get started with My Zone you will need to purchase your own heart rate belts. Belts are $89 and can be purchased at the front desk. If you have any other questions please feel to let us know.

We Change Lives!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Build Muscles For Go, Not For Show

For the past 30 years we have been training the same way. Our fitness programs have been highly influenced by equipment manufactures, which designed machines to isolate muscles one at a time. However, as great as this maybe be for developing the “show muscles” of a bodybuilder they do not help us function very well in sports or everyday life.

A brief look back at the history of fitness will show that the overall fitness of the average person, quickly declined at about the time when weight machines began replacing free weights and total body lifts were replaced by isolation lifts.

Unless you are a bodybuilder there is little benefit to isolating muscles. Instead, by changing the focus to building “go muscles” you will increase overall strength, which means gains in athleticism and performance of daily activities.

“Go Muscles” are built through total body exercises that involve squatting, bending, lunging, pushing, pulling, rotating, and carrying weight that challenges the body and stimulates the metabolism, leading to leaner more toned body. These exercises are first built off of the ability to lift and control your own bodyweight before adding any additional weight. Exercises can be as simple as a squat with your own bodyweight or a set of push-ups, or as complex as a farmer’s walk with an unbalanced load or a barbell power clean.

So why is a 40-year-old mother of four children doing seated chest presses and bicep curls? When all she wants to do is lose ten pounds and have more energy. She is never going to compete in a bodybuilding contest and spends eight hours each day sitting at a desk in front of a computer.  As a result, she has developed postural imbalances in the shoulders and hips due to prolonged sitting.  So why is she sitting on a machine in the same position that she spends most of her day when she exercises?

Instead, she needs to get up and on her feet, picking weight up from the floor and pulling weight toward herself, with exercises like kettle bell swings and TRX rows that will help to improve her posture by strengthening the muscles that are weak in her body from sitting all day.

The way fitness is being done is changing and the focus is becoming more and more on developing functional training, i.e. “go muscles”, so change up your regular routine and get started with a fitness program that focuses on functional training. 

Ready to incorporate functional training into your routine? Get started today with our 30 Day Personal Training Experience for $69. Call 724-934-2000 to get started.

We Change Lives!

Monday, August 5, 2013


What's better than free shakes!?
This week we are running a special that if you put $50.00 on your club bucks account you get one free shake, but if you put $100 on your club bucks account your get 3 free shakes!!

But hurry this special ends at 2:00pm on Saturday 8/10

Which leads to our next news! Defined Fitness is now open until 2pm on Saturdays for open gym!

July was not only hot and humid but it was also full of frequent sweaters!
This months list of sweaters with 10 or more visits are:

Ann Valcarcel
Judy Robison
Eleanor Sargent
Ann Miner
Lynn Brehm
Sheryl Simon
Lisa Paulson
Christine McCuen
Mike Doak
Debbie Crissinger
Deanne Braksator
Amanda Della Penna
Susan Vallejo
Beckie Brown
Penny Roy
Jackie Saladino
Donna Hall
Lauren Verona
Setta Labach
Gina Bianchin
Kerry Schurman
Congrats guys keep getting your 10 visits and make sure you guys are scanning your cards!


Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 day-trial membership for $69. Your 30 days included 4 Personal Training Sessions, unlimited Group metabolic training sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs, and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started 724-934-200

Thursday, August 1, 2013


We live and die, sometimes too young,  by the choices we make.  Most of us start out as very selfish people (teenage years) where the whole world revolves around us and we put ourselves first to a fault.  It’s all about Me, Me, Me and what we need.  Then as we age, grow-up, find a career, a spouse, a family, homes, cars, vacations and trying to earn a living to support all the above, the tide turns.  We now put everything and everyone else's needs in front of our own at the expense of our health.  It is more important to skimp on sleep, eat fast food and work 13 hour days to afford all of these things instead of taking 1/24th of our day to take care of the most important gift we have ever received…..Our health and well being. “Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”  ~Denis Waitley

One day we wake up 20, 30 40, or more pounds overweight, out of shape, suffering from a myriad of health issues, taking handfulls of prescription pills a day, can’t walk upstairs without getting out of breath and who has just been told by their doctor that their lifestyle is killing them.  We then like to blame the world for our problems.  We hear all the time “I just don’t have time” or “You don’t know how busy I am with the kids”.  They become angry at everyone around them because they failed again at taking control of their lives and making changes that might result in an immense rise in the quality of their daily lives.

Fitness is not easy,  especially when compared to how easy it is to just ignore your health, not workout, eat badly and then wake up 10 years later with medical issues, severely overweight and surrounded by stress.  Fitness is not easy, but it is a choice and how you live and even how long you live will be determined by that choice.   Ask anyone who has lost their health what they would trade for just one healthy day.  I love the quote "Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” ~ Edward Stanley

Making time for your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and the people you love.  It is not being selfish to find a few minutes every day to ensure you will be around long enough to enjoy all the material things your job affords you, to live long enough to see your kids grow up or to live long and healthy enough to enjoy whatever years we are blessed with outside of a nursing home.  It is not easy, but it is doable.
Incorporating the following 4 steps will improve your health and quality of life.

1)         Eat foods in their natural state.  Avoid processed food!  Yes it takes more time to cook healthy foods but it is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health.
2)         Find time for exercise.  You do not need to set aside an hour for cardio and another hour for weight training anymore.  Functional training brings you the best workout incorporating both strength and aerobics in a shorter amount of time.  Here at Defined Fitness we get you in and out in under an hour with a great workout!
3)         Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night!  We are seeing more and more research coming out about the importance of sleep.
4)        Relax, laugh often and enjoy everyday!  Pretty self explanatory!

Ready to take control of your life and make changes that can help turn back the clock on the years of neglect and abuse on your body?  Call us today at 724-934-2000 to see what our 30-Day Personal Training Experience can do for you!

We Change Lives!