Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are You On The Right Path To Fitness Success?

The following five steps are what set apart those who achieve their fitness results and those who don’t.

  • Hire A Coach. Everyone who is successful has a coach, no matter what the goal. Fitness is no different. A coach is there to motivate you, push you to do the things you struggle with, offer an ear to listen and give you advice. By hiring a Fitness Coach you have access to a team of personal trainers (aka “Coaches”) who are there for you and  there to help you every step of the way and keep you on track. 
  • Keep A Food Journal. This is something we’ve seen over and over. The clients who keep a Food Journal get better results than those who don’t. It doesn’t matter if it’s in a notebook, online, on your Smartphone, or even on note cards as long as you keep track. It keeps you accountable to what you are eating each day and makes you aware of it. For many members this is a big eye opener to just how many calories they are eating each day.
  • Strength Training. To make the biggest changes in your body you need to do some strength training. The demands placed on your body by the outside resistance will trigger your body to respond by getting stronger which will result in stimulating your metabolism and making your body leaner.
  • Find A Supportive Environment. It is important to surround yourself with as many people as possible who are supportive of your goal. This may or may not be a spouse or family member; it could be a coworker or a friend. But, one thing that we’ve found is when people workout in groups they get better results. This is because not only is it more enjoyable, but there are also other people working out along side you to achieve the same goals and everyone is supportive of each other. 
  • Make It A Priority. Don't make excuses.  Our successful members have families, kids, jobs, and just about every other excuse everyone else has except they don't use them. They make it a priority to dedicate time each week to their fitness routine. And to reach your goals you need to do the same. Your coach can help you set a realistic goal for how many workouts to get in each week to fit your busy schedule. One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking they have to workout everyday. This simply is not true. Your coach can help you determine how many times per week will fit best into your schedule. We actually see the best results with members who come only 3 times a week.

Ready to get on the path to success and take your fitness to the next level and finally get the results you’ve been looking for? Get started today with Defined Fitness’s 30-Day Personal Training Experience for only $59. Call 724-934-2000 to get started!
We Change Lives!

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