Thursday, March 28, 2013

45 Minutes, 3x Per Week

This is part four of an eight part series titled "8 Principles of the Defined Fitness Training Philosophy". Over the next eight weeks we will be writing a short post about each part of the training philosophy we use here are DF and make part of each workout.
Number Four: 45 Minutes, 3x Per Week

It's a common misconception that you need to workout everyday to get the best results. In fact, working out too often will actually hold back your results. Plus, in our busy lives who has the time to workout that much anyhow?

At Defined Fitness we have found that those who workout 3 times per week for 45 minutes per session get the best results. So no more hour to hour and a half sessions in the gym for five or more days per week.

The reason we see best results with three days per week for 45 minutes all has to do with recovery and intensity. This is where your results are made. When you workout more than three times per week your body is not able to fully recover, which means that you won't be able to workout as hard in each session. If you are working hard each session 45 minutes will have you spent.

Now this does not mean that you get to spend the other days of the week sitting on the couch doing nothing. We always want some type of activity each day just not resistance training. This is where some light cardio, yoga, yard work, or sport of choice comes in.
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