Thursday, March 28, 2013

45 Minutes, 3x Per Week

This is part four of an eight part series titled "8 Principles of the Defined Fitness Training Philosophy". Over the next eight weeks we will be writing a short post about each part of the training philosophy we use here are DF and make part of each workout.
Number Four: 45 Minutes, 3x Per Week

It's a common misconception that you need to workout everyday to get the best results. In fact, working out too often will actually hold back your results. Plus, in our busy lives who has the time to workout that much anyhow?

At Defined Fitness we have found that those who workout 3 times per week for 45 minutes per session get the best results. So no more hour to hour and a half sessions in the gym for five or more days per week.

The reason we see best results with three days per week for 45 minutes all has to do with recovery and intensity. This is where your results are made. When you workout more than three times per week your body is not able to fully recover, which means that you won't be able to workout as hard in each session. If you are working hard each session 45 minutes will have you spent.

Now this does not mean that you get to spend the other days of the week sitting on the couch doing nothing. We always want some type of activity each day just not resistance training. This is where some light cardio, yoga, yard work, or sport of choice comes in.
We Change Lives!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Defined Fitness Tip of the week Spiderman w/ Rotation

In this weeks edition of the DF Tip of the Week we look at Spiderman With Rotation. This move works on T-spine Mobility.  Emphasizing one of our training philosophy beliefs training movement patterns 

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Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30-Day Trial Membership for $59.00. Your 30-Days include 5 personal training sessions, 5 metabolic conditioning sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs, and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Train Movement Patterns

This is part three of an eight part series titled "8 Principles of the Defined Fitness Training Philosophy". Over the next eight weeks we will be writing a short post about each part of the training philosophy we use here are DF and make part of each workout.

Number Two: Train Movement Patterns

Gone are the days of going to the gym and focusing solely on one area of your body. In the past common training protocol was to work on a different area of your body every day you went to the gym. So a typical week would look like: Chest & Back on Monday, Arms & Calfs on Wednesday, Legs on Friday (unless you were a guy then you just skipped Fridays and headed to Happy Hour, because you could just cover up your skinny legs with a pair of jeans), and you would do some cardio and sit ups on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Unless you are aspiring to be the next Mr or Ms Universe this is not the most effective or efficient way to workout. 

Instead, we train movements patterns rather than individual muscle groups. Your body functions as one unit during all daily movements and activities and needs to be trained the same way. To put it simply, try standing up one using one muscle. It can't be done. When you stand up it takes the effort of many muscles working together.

So instead of doing leg extensions and leg curls, we do squats and deadlifts. Instead of bicep curls, tricep extensions, and chest flys we do push-ups and TRX Rows. These work more muscles and lead to a leaned, toned, and better built body.
We Change Lives!

Frequent Sweaters Club - starting in April get your sweat on 10 or more times a month at Defined Fitness and get rewarded with free stuff. April's reward will be a FREE shake to all members who visit the club 10 or more times in the month. Each month will be a different reward. You must scan you member card in order for your visit to be recorded. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Defined Fitness Tip of the Week Superband OH Squat

In this weeks edition of the DF Tip of the Week we look at the Superband Overhead Squat. This move is knee dominate and works on T-Spine Extension. Emphasizing one of our training philosophy's Training Movement Patterns 

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Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30-Day Trial Membership for $59. Your 30-Days include 5 Personal training sessions, 5 Metabolic conditioning sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs, and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Train Upright

This is part two of an eight part series titled "8 Principles of the Defined Fitness Training Philosophy". Over the next eight weeks we will be writing a short post about each part of the training philosophy we use here are DF and make part of each workout.

Number Two: Train Upright

Most people spend most of their day sitting, whether it be behind a desk or on the couch, we all sit too much. So why would we want to sit while we exercise? All this sitting is leading to poor posture and muscular imbalances. This is why we don't believe in using weight machines to exercise, because they end up reinforcing the bad posture. Also, when you train upright you allow your body to move the way it was designed to move, not the way a machine wants you to move.

By training upright on two feet you also get more muscles involved in the exercise to stabilize your body while it moves, resulting in better balance and a higher metabolic demand. After all daily physical activities take place on two feet, not sitting down.
We Change Lives! 

Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30-Day Trial Membership for $59. Call 724-934-2000 today to schedule your first session!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Defined Fitness Tip of the Week- DB Snatch

In this weeks edition of the DF Tip of the Week we look at the Dumbbell Snatch. This movement is hip dominant and works on hip power. Emphasizing two of our training philosophy beliefs: Training movement patterns and train explosively. 

Watch Here: 

Ready to change your life?
Get started today with our 30-Day Trial Membership for $59. Your 30-Days include 5 personal training sessions, 5 metabolic conditioning sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs, and unlimited use of the facility for 30 Days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lift Heavy

This is part one of an eight part series titled "8 Principles of the Defined Fitness Training Philosophy". Over the next eight weeks we will be writing a short post about each part of the training philosophy we use here are DF and make part of each workout.

Number One: Lift Heavy

To change your body you need to stimulate your metabolism. What drives the metabolism? Your muscles, right? So if we need to stimulate the metabolism by working the muscles does it make more sense to do it with light weights and lots of reps or heavy weight and low reps? Which will require the greatest muscular demand? 

Answer: Heavy weight, low reps.

But why?

The heavier the weight that is lifted is, requires more muscle fibers needed to fire to lift the weight. With a lighter weight your body will only fire just enough muscle fibers to lift it, no matter how many reps you do. So the heavier weight creates a greater stimulus on the metabolism, resulting in a great change in your body.

Check back next week for Number Two!
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