Monday, September 17, 2012

Less Is More

At least with fitness anyhow. Many people make the mistake of thinking that they need to push harder and spend hours working out 5,6, even 7 days per week. Despite those long workouts that you are pushing yourself through day in and day out, new research came out this past month that showed a shorter workout resulted in more fat being lost despite the fact the the longer group burn almost twice as many calories.

We've noticed for some time now that anytime we have a shorter workout, around 45 minutes instead of 60 minutes, it is almost always a better workout and the client feels better. Here is our reasoning:

  1. Exercise is a stress to the body. Most people are overly stressed by the demands of each day.
  2. Most people do not get enough sleep each night (6-8 hours recommended). Again another stress on the body.
  3. Most people do not eat as well as they should and eat things that are not good for their bodies. Stress again.
  4. So the body is already chronically stressed in most cases. When we over exercise we create too much stress on the body that it is unable to recover from, which leads to systemic inflammation in the body and weight loss becomes the last thing your body is thinking about doing.
What we have found is that by shortening the workout time to 45 minutes people feel better and get better results. Less really can be more. Interesting huh?

2012 ROCK YOUR JEANS Challenge 
Kicks off Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. with a 45 minute presentation titled "5 Tips to Transform Your Body." Everyone is welcome to come even if you are not going to participate in the challenge, but interested in picking up a few tips to get in better shape and look better.

Then on Saturday, September 22nd we will be having a ROCK YOUR JEANS members only workout and taking all the participants outside for a fun kickoff workout.

To Better Serve Our Members...
we ask that if you schedule for any session please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend.

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