Monday, September 24, 2012

It All Starts With Nutrition

No, really it does. You can exercise all you want and not lose a pound if you are making poor food choices and not providing your body with the nutrients it needs. So here are the 8 Rules of Nutrition that we use at Defined Fitness.

1.     Eliminate processed foods, especially processes carbohydrates and fats. – Processed carbohydrates and fats allow us to consume a high amount of calories with little nutritional value.
2.     Eat meat. – Protein provides the building blocks for muscle tissue, which stimulates your metabolism resulting in a leaner body. Good sources include: grass-feed beef, pork, and chicken, wild game, eggs, fish, and shellfish. Protein powders also work as great snack or morning breakfast option.
3.     Eat vegetables. – As many as possible in heaping amounts.
4.     Eat fruits. – A few servings each day.
5.     Eat fats.  – Fat does not make us fat, starchy carbohydrates do. Fat is good for us and we need to consume some each day. Fat provides a high source of energy for our bodies and will keep us feeling full longer. Just eat the real fats like, avacodo, nuts (macadamias are best), animal & egg fats, butter (not margarine), and oils (coconut and extra virgin olive).
6.     Stay away from starchy carbohydrates & sugars. – Carbohydrates (particularly starchy carbohydrates and sugars) trigger insulin, insulin triggers fat storage. If we can control insulin by not eating starchy carbohydrates and sugars we can control and stop fat storage. If you do eat some starches sweet potatoes, quinoa, and wild rice are your best choices.
7.     Finish each workout right with a Recovery Shake. - Immediately after you finish your workout, your body needs nutrients to rebuild and recover. If you don't supply these nutrients through a Recovery Shake your body will turn to it’s muscle tissue to get these nutrients by breaking it down, which will result in less muscle tissue and a slower metabolism. This is not the result we want after all the hard work you just did. Recent research has also shown that over a 12-week period a diet plus post-workout protein shake group lost 15.4 pounds of fat. Compared to the diet only group, which lost 5.5 pounds of fat. (Ann Nutr Metab. 2000;44(1):21-9.) 
8.     Drink Water. - Hydration is also a key to fat loss. When your body is properly hydrated your body functions properly and is able to process fat more effectively. Aim to drink about ½ your bodyweight in ounces of water each day. Green tea and Herbal teas are also good choices. If you enjoy coffee keep it to 1-2 cups per day. Avoid alcohol when you drink alcohol all fat metabolism gets shut off as well and growth hormone production, both of which play a major role in fat loss.

  2012 "Rock Your Jeans" Challenge - today we officially kicked off our 2012 "Rock Your Jeans" Challenge with 29 participants ready to drop 1-2 jean sizes over the next 8 weeks. Click here to watch a clip of our Kickoff Workout this past Saturday. If you are still interested but not registered it's not to late. Register by Wednesday September 26th to get in on the action. 

    To Better Serve Our Members...
     we ask that if you schedule for any session please make sure you can attend. If for any reason you are unable please cancel as soon as you know you will not be able to attend as to not block out other members who want to attend.

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