Monday, August 13, 2012

Tip of the Week - Core Training

This weeks video blog looks at core training. While many people still believe sit ups and crunches to be the most effective exercises to get a six pack and strength the core, the research suggests otherwise. We've dropped sit-ups and crunches from our programs a few years ago. The main reasons are:
1. Sit Ups & Crunches flex the lumbar spine and place dangerously high levels of force on the spine.
2. Planks and it's variations have been shown to result in greater abdominal muscle activation than sit-ups and crunches.
3. Most people sit all day and have forward rounded shoulders and pelvis. Sit-ups and crunches reinforce this poor posture.
4. Sit-ups and crunches do not produce a ripped, flat, six-pack stomach, only your nutrition can do that.

Click the link to watch a short clip on the Plank:

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