Thursday, May 17, 2012

Change These Habits To Lose Weight

The following 12 Habits or "Fattitudes" come from Ryan Andrews, registered dietician and strength coach, book "Drop the Fat Act and Live Lean". It's a great quick read discussing the differences in habits between people who successfully lose weight and stay lean and those who are overweight and constantly struggle to keep it off. I recommend it for everyone to read.

Here are some of his "Fatttitudes" as he likes to call them. Do you do any of these?

1. Skip breakfast and make dinner your largest meal.
2. Eat haphazardly and fast.
3. Count calories.
4. Go on diets.
5. Eat processed foods.
6. Eat calorie-dense foods.
7. Drink calories.
8. Exercise fewer than 4 hours per week.
9. Don't get enough sleep.
10. Use food to manage your feelings.
11. Are an all-or-none thinkers.
12. Focus on short-term gain.
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