Friday, April 27, 2012

Muffin Top Meltdown Starts May 1st!!

What is a Muffin Top? You know when you put on a pair of pants that are little too snug and how the fat tends to push over the top - that's a muffin top and we're going to help you lose it with the 30-Day MUFFIN TOP MELTDOWN Challenge starting May 1st, 2012.

Here's how it works: 
  • Pick a goal that you would like to achieve over the next 30 days (pounds of fat lost, inches lost, jean sizes, whatever you want).
  • Your coach will measure your goal on day 1 and day 30.
  • Register at the Defined Fitness's front desk and pick up your official Muffin Top Meltdown Workout Calendar on May 1st.
  • It's free to all members, not currently a member and want in on the meltdown? Become a new member by May 1st!
  • On June 1st we will announce our "Most Muffinless Members" - all members who achieve their goal.
You could be one of Defined Fitness's "MOST MUFFINLESS MEMBERS" and lose that extra flab that somehow showed up over winter just in time for summer. Call 724-934-2000 to register today!
We Change Lives!

Try Us for 30-Days of Personal Training for $49. Click here to get started today!

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