As 2012 approaches you can't help but start to think about New Year's Resolutions. How did you do on your 2011 resolutions? If you're like most, you probably had good intentions and did good for a few weeks, but then something came up that interfered with the resolution and that was the end of it.
The problem with New Year's resolutions is that they are usually lofty goals set with not much prior thought put into them. More like dreams that you are wishing to come true. This year instead we want you to set fitness goals for 2012 using the S.M.A.R.T. formula.
S.pecific M.easureable A.ttainable R.ealistic T.ime sensitive
For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds in 15 weeks that is Specific. Wanting to "tone-up" and "be-fit" are not. After you've determined what specific goal you are going to commit to achieving you then need to determine how you will measure it. For this example you are going to lose 20 pounds of body fat, so you will need to determine your current body weight, % body fat, and circumference measurements. And then check in on these every 2 weeks to monitor your progress, every 2 weeks you should be losing 2.67 pounds to be on track to losing 20lbs. in 15 weeks.
This brings us to Attainable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive. Is 20lbs. in 15 weeks attainable and realistic? Yes. Is 20lbs, by next month? No. And we have a time deadline, 15 weeks.
Now you have a S.M.A.R.T. Goal of "losing 20lbs. in 15 weeks." But, you can't stop here, now you need to determine what you are going to do to achieve your goal and commit to doing it, not try to it.
"There is only DO or DO NOT, there is no try." - Yoda, Star Wars
This is called creating Process Goals. What things (processes) are you going to do to reach your goal on time. To lose 20 lbs. in 15 weeks you are going to need to workout 4 days per week (2 strength and 2 metabolic, preferred), eat in 90% compliance, create a caloric deficit each day, and stay laser focused on your goal despite other distractions that will pop-up.
So after 2 weeks, have you completed 8 workouts. In 15 weeks you need to have completed 60 workouts.
In addition, to figuring out what you need to do to achieve your goal, it is also important to start acting like a person who is 20 lbs. lighter, fit, in great shape, and has a knock-out body. Does that person skip breakfast because they want to sleep in 10 minutes longer? Does that person stay up late and not get the amount of sleep they need? Does that person make excuses for why they didn't get in their workouts this week or couldn't eat right? No, they take responsibility for their progress and results and you should to. It's not a matter of acting differently once you are their, like most people tend to think, it is a matter of acting as if you are already there and then the results have a way of showing up.
Holiday Gift Drive - We have teamed up with Grieb Chiropractic Clinic to provide one less fortunate family with gifts for Christmas. Currently, all the tags have been claimed so we are now collecting money to buy the kids a Barbie Dream House and as many accessories as possible. With your help they will be able to provide a nice Christmas for their family. Donations can be made at the front desk. And thanks to all who have donated already!
"Give The Gift of Fitness" - Holiday Fitness Gift Package now available, only $89.00 Includes: 30-day membership, 8 coaching sessions, Defined Fitness Strategy Session, Unlimited Group Personal Training classes, Unlimited facility access, and 2 Free Recovery Shakes. Call 724-934-2000 TODAY for more information.
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